Now that you have an understanding of how digestion and absorption occur, we are

Now that you have an understanding of how digestion and absorption occur, we are going to explore one of the most relevant health disorders of our time – metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that occur simultaneously (e.g., high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, excess fat around the waist, elevated cholesterol, etc.). Together, these conditions modulate and dysregulate many hormonal processes, leading to adverse health outcomes related to metabolism.
For this discussion, each person will be reading a short excerpt of the paper: Inter-organ cross-talk in metabolic syndrome (Priest & Tontonoz, 2019).
First, read the abstract and introduction section (pg. 1) to familiarize yourself with background information on metabolic syndrome.
Then, read your assigned section according to the directions below.
Post Requirements:
This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually. Your assigned reading will be determined by the order of your responses. It is suggested that you make a placeholder post to avoid duplicate posts.
Hepatokines and factors secreted by the liver (pgs. 1-3)
First Post – Due Monday
Title your post with the name of the excerpt.
According to your assigned section, describe the normal role of your assigned organ system and how it relates to normal metabolic processes.
In no more than 10 sentences, summarize the mechanism(s) highlighted by your assigned section that links organ dysregulation to the disruption of metabolism.
In your summary, try to reduce the amount of jargon for your audience. If you use new terminologies, be selective and explain what they mean!
Define at least two vocabulary words or phrases from the section you read. These can be any words/phrases that you didn’t know the meaning of (e.g., dyslipidemia, aetiology.).
Provide appropriate citations as necessary.
What are two questions you have about what you have read? These may be something you need clarification on, technical questions, or broader questions about metabolic syndrome.
Questions should not be simple yes/no questions or a question that can be easily googled.