The length is 800 words. I have a lot of material for the above topic but not fo

The length is 800 words.
I have a lot of material for the above topic but not for the one below.
Check the file with poster template. It must be in this format.
I was thinking as a title to focus on Teachers’ Questions in second Classrooms Spoken Interaction.
In the beginning to talk about teachers’ questions in general.
In literature review to mention theories about questioning
And discuss What’s effective questioning ?
Does effective questioning help students produce language?
What are some good techniques to use effective questioning?
Then mention some studies that have been done.
Conclusion that it can be effective and make some suggestions for the future.
but after a discussion with the tutor she wants to do a poster on that. This is her message.
what you describe has a technical name! It`s called FEEDBACK and from
what I understand (based on one of our previous discussions as well) the
actual topic should be `the role of feedback in the development of the
speaking skill`. There are of course different types of feedback and
some of them look like questions, but they are not called QUESTIONS!!!
They can be requests for clarification, for confirmation, prompts… So,
for the poster, you would need to a) present the different types of
feedback and explain what each one is and b) look up research that talks
about their effectiveness and present the results of some studies, so
as to conclude on which one is more effective. This would be acceptable
content for an academic poster, and, of course, ANYTHING you include
If you have read information that you can fit in what I have above, then please write up the poster.
Alternatively, you may shift the topic a bit so as to talk about what
research has revealed as being effective ways in promoting L2 speaking –
I`m attaching an article related to this, which you can use as a guide
for your poster.