Title: Book Reviews of “The Origins of Totalitarianism” by Hannah Arendt

Instructions are attached 
Read Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism (book review due Monday, May 22) 
• Take notes as you read both books and then write book reviews (6-8 pages; 12 pt font; double-spaced)
• Each book review should include the following: 
Section 1
▪ Two paragraphs on the thesis and key points made by the author
• What is the book about?
• What is the thesis of the book?
• What countries and time periods are
Section 2
▪ Summary of each chapter (1-2 paragraphs for each
Section 3
▪ Two paragraphs where you explain how this book
advances our understanding of politics. How can this book be used to understand politics currently?
▪ One paragraph where you identify weaknesses of the book. What did you not like about the book? What questions and/or points were unaddressed by the author?

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