Title: Exploring and Immersing in the Culture of [Identified Group]: A Personal Reflection and Analysis Working with Diverse Children, Families, and Colleagues: Strategies for Promoting Inclusivity and Equity in Early Childhood Education

Attend an event or activity sponsored by your identified culture, subculture or interest group.  Plan on spending a significant amount of time immersing yourself cognitively, emotionally and socially as you explore, observe, and engage.  Look for a friendly face or group, introduce yourself, and engage in conversation.  Ask appropriate questions reading speaking with people, and engaging.  Ask questions and learn first-hand information regarding this group.  If appropriate, take photographs of the event (and your new friend), collect literature or artifacts of the experience, or enjoy a snack or meal.
Describe the culture, subculture or interest group (2-3 pages) (40 points)
Critically analyze the course textbooks, peer reviewed journal articles, books, relevant research and credible websites that address aspects and issues faced by this culture, subculture or interest group. 
Several areas to address in this section:
Description of the group
Values/Belief orientations
Social Interactions (relationships within and between groups)
Attitudes toward singleness, co-habitation, marriage and family life
Child rearing practices
Roles of men and women
Religious/Spiritual Beliefs
Language and communication styles (verbal and nonverbal)
Emotional expression
Methods of ensuring conformity to the group
Methods of conflict resolution
Goals important to achieve (in a lifetime)
Unique behaviors and their meaning
Historical events of critical importance in this group
Critical information relevant to understanding this group
Key behaviors and disposition that would help someone engage with this group
Describe your experience participating in the activity or event (2-3 pages) (20 points)
Include the date, time of day, location of the event or activity
Describe the setting and sequence of the events while participating.  (You may include pictures.) 
Describe your feelings before or during the event.
How did you feel during while conversing with someone from this group (nervous, comfortable, etc.)?
What did you notice about the people?  Consider behavior, appearance, styles of dress, etc.
What did you notice about the social roles between and amongst people (age, gender, etc.)?
What did you notice regarding interaction styles between people?  Consider age, gender and people in positions of authority. 
Describe strengths you observed in this group.
Is there anything from this experience you wish was part of your own culture?
Reflection on your experience (2-3 pages) (20 points)
This section of the paper should incorporate your reflections, experiences, what you learned about yourself, and how your perceptions of this group have evolved.
Discuss how this group is different from you, and what your perceptions of this group were prior to the immersion experience. The detailed description of differences should include overt (visible differences, etc.) and covert (religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.) differences.
What assumptions or perceptions you were told about this group as you were growing up? 
How did the preconceived notions make this experience a challenge for you?
How did own cultural or family background and life experience influence what you observed?
Did you make any mistakes during this immersion experience – in regards to assumptions, faux pas, unwarranted fear, etc.?
What similarities do you hold with this group in regards to values, lifestyle, relationships, family, children, interactive styles, love, food, music, work, etc.?
What insights have you gained about this person/group and about yourself?
Have your biases shifted?  Describe how.
How did this experience contribute to your personal growth?
Describe adjustments or changes you plan to make in regards to your own thinking, behaviors and disposition based on what you learned from this experience.
How has this experience helped you begin to develop the skills, abilities and dispositions necessary to work with diverse children, families and colleagues?
REFERENCES (20 points)
A minimum of seven specific reference sources are required.
(3) Credible academic source such as a professional journal.   Examples of peer reviewed journals include the Journal of Gender Studies, Journal of Child & Family Studies, Journal of Women & Aging, Sex Roles, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Studies, Media, Culture & Society, Social Identities, Theory, Culture & Society, etc.
Family Partnerships and Culture, CA Department of Education 2016
California Preschool Curriculum Framework Vol. 3, (History-Social Science) CA Dept. of Education 2013
California Preschool Learning Foundations Vol. 3, (Foundations in History-Social Science)               CA Dept. of Education 2012
NAEYC Position Statement – Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education 2019
Personal discussion with individual from diverse group
Follow APA style guidelines to cite research throughout the paper.  Cite the source for every idea, fact, concept, thought, or production that originates somewhere outside of you.  Cite source for every quote, paraphrase, and summary that is not your own.
Students may use reference sources in addition to the required 6 references listed above.  All sources should be no older than be 2-5 years.  Older sources are acceptable for historic or comparative references only and may be used in addition to the 6 minimum required.  Peer reviewed journal studies should focus mainly on groups living in the U.S.  Read subsequent pages for APA reference guidelines.
FORMAT (20 points)
The report must be typed, double-spaced with 1” right, left and top and bottom margins and a standard 12 point font (Times Roman, Arial or Century Gothic).  The written response should be clear and thorough using proper grammar, correct spelling and whole sentences in paragraph format.  Length is 7-8 pages, not including reference page.  Tips for success when writing your paper:
Use APA style referencing (see attached).  Cite the source for every idea, fact, concept, thought, or production that originates somewhere outside of you.  Cite source for every quote, paraphrase, and summary that is not your own.
Carefully proofread your final draft even after using grammar and spell check.
Staple the report together.  A folder or sleeve is unnecessary.

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