Title: “Hip-Hop’s Multifaceted Influence: Empowering Youth, Communities, and Social Justice”

Through its dynamic forms of expression, Hip-hop’s multifaceted influence is a powerful motivation for positive change, particularly in youth empowerment, community involvement, and civil rights activism.  
This assignment is an 8-12 page paper describing A brief overview of hip-hop origins and cultural significance. With 3 major topics I am emphasizing. 
Tentative topic: Hip Hop’s Influence on Social Justice, Youth, and Marginalized Communities. 
The impacts of Hip Hop on political influence raising awareness about social justice issues. 
The impact of Hip Hop on youth empowerment is raising awareness about important issues. 
Hip hop influence to empower individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities 
Assignment 7 has a brief outline on how the essay should be drafted. Must be in MLA format. 

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