Title: “Holistic Empowerment: A Humanistic Approach to Sport Psychology Practice”

The overview of my sport psychology philosophy of practice (P.O.P) which is based mainly on the premise of humanistic psychology:
At the core of my philosophy of practice is the belief that optimal performance is achieved through the integration of physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of an athlete’s life. My philosophy revolves around the idea that individuals are not merely athletes but holistic beings with multifaceted identities. Overall, my philosophy of practice is grounded in a holistic and strengths-based approach that seeks to empower athletes to develop to be able to reach their full potential, both on and off the field. By fostering resilience, self-awareness, and psychological flexibility, I aim to help athletes not only achieve their performance goals but also lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.
Make it unique to you. Is there a theme in your presentation? Or do you have a target niche? Or a visual representation of work with you? Or something specific that we’ll associate with your presentation?
When you talk about theory… it’s about how it’s useful and relevant to YOUR practice, why THAT theory, and HOW is it relevant.
What is the hook? How will we remember your PoP… imagine you’re going for a job interview… how are you selling your approach? What does the work look like with you… and why?
Marketing – Think about how you would present your PoP (the way you work) to a client/coach/organization etc. What’s your hook? What message are you hoping to convey? This is how you plan to market yourself. Is there a theme, analogy, key words, picture, symbol, that runs through out? 
How will we remember your PoP… imagine you’re going for a job interview… how are you selling your approach? What does the work look like with you… and why?
Practical examples – Use real-life examples

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