Title: The Impact of Social Movements on Sex and Gender Issues

To explore and understand the significant role of social movements in contributing to improvements in issues related to sex and gender, and to effectively communicate this knowledge through a 5-minute oral presentation and a 2 page paper.
Part 1: Research and Preparation 
Select a Social Movement: Choose a specific social movement related to sex and gender issues. You may explore movements like feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, gender identity and transgender rights, or any other relevant movement.
Research and Analysis: Research the selected social movement in depth. Identify its history, key figures, milestones, and its impact on issues of sex and gender. Analyze the movement’s goals, strategies, and successes.
Presentation Outline: Develop an outline for your 5-minute oral presentation. Organize your thoughts, key points, and evidence to support your presentation. Include an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.
Part 2: Presentation
5-Minute Oral Presentation: Prepare and record a 5-minute oral presentation. You can use TikTok’s, podcasts, PowerPoint Slides with embedded audio, uploaded videos or audio, or YouTube videos.
Content Guidelines: Your presentation should include the following components:
Introduction to the chosen social movement.
Explanation of the movement’s goals and objectives.
Discussion of key milestones and successes achieved by the movement.
Analysis of how the movement contributed to improvements in issues related to sex and gender.
Examples of specific changes or policy reforms resulting from the movement’s efforts.
Reflection on the ongoing relevance and challenges faced by the movement.
A concluding statement summarizing the impact of the movement.
Part 3, Paper: In addition to your oral presentation, you must upload your 2 page paper discussing your research and analysis that you did in part 1.
your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Content: Clarity, accuracy, and depth of information.
Organization: Logical structure of the presentation.
Engagement: Use of examples and evidence to support key points.
Delivery: Clarity, confidence, and engagement during the oral presentation.
Visual Aids: Relevance and effectiveness in enhancing the presentation.

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