Concept Check Assignment #2 Directions: TL;DR: THE CLASS VOTED LATE POLICY DOES

Concept Check Assignment #2 Directions:


  • Create a powerpoint presentation and record yourself answering the chosen questions.
    • You can choose if you wish to show your face or just record the screen and your voice (directions on Canvas Studio below).
  • Choose 3 of the 6 question options to answer. Do not answer all of them.
  • Video should be no longer than 8 minutes. (can be shorter)
  • The powerpoint must be images only on information pages or very limited text. You can use graphics from your textbook or images you find online, just site your sources. (around 1-3 slides per question).
  • The last slide of your powerpoint must have a works cited list on your last slide in either MLA or APA format.
  • You will submit your final draft to this assignment submission page.


  • Assignment goes live: May 6
  • First draft of presentation completed: May 13
  • Peer Reviews sent out: May 14
  • Peer Reviews completed: May 20
  • Revisions and final presentation due: May 24

Grading: Total=40 points

  • Content/Accuracy (15 points) – Is what you’re saying true and based on current scientific consensus? Did you answer the question correctly and provide all necessary information to explain your answer completely?
  • Clarity (15 points) – Did you answer all parts of the question? Does it look like you put your assignment together at 11:00pm before it was due? Or, did you put some thought and preparation in to it? Is the powerpoint presentation organized? Are you just reading off the slide or do you not have any text and practiced before you recorded yourself?
  • References/Citations (5 points) – Must include all references including the web address of any website from which you get information and must be included on the last slide of your presentation. If you aren’t sure how to format citations, use this: to an external site.
  • Peer Review (5 points) – Did you provide constructive feedback in a respectful manner to your peers? Did you complete the peer review on time?

Questions- (choose only 3):

  1. Explain what each variable in Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction means. Further, describe how this equation explains the differences between the sun and the moon’s contribution to tide-generating forces.
  2. Describe what happens to a deep-water wave as it approaches a beach and enters shallow water. How does it change? What conditions would have to be met for the wave to break?
  3. Define what wave refraction is and explain how it occurs. How might wave refraction impact sand movement on a beach?
  4. There are four major types of estuarine mixing. This is not referring to the 4 major types of estuaries. Choose 1 of these types and…
    • Describe what the halocline looks like.
    • Explain why the haloclines look the way that they do.
    • Provide a real life example (an actual estuary that has this type of mixing).
    • If you use any external references to determine this part of your answer, be sure to include an in-text citation and add it to your reference list.
  5. Choose one source/type of pollution we discussed in class and address the following questions in your overall answer:
    • Why is this type of pollution an issue?
    • How does this type of pollution effect the environment?
    • Are there any laws put in place to regulate this pollution?
    • Is there anything we have done to remediate this type of pollution?
    • What is thing you can do to help remediate issues related to this specific type of pollution?
    • This question could require some additional research. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference list in either MLA or APA format.
  6. Describe, in detail, one topic you found interesting from Unit 4, Unit 5 or Unit 6. State what this fact/concept is and define/explain it. Further describe why you found it interesting and do some research into it. Dive into this topic deeper than the level that we discussed it in our class resources. Find at least one external reference to cite in this question and include it in your reference list.
    • An external reference means you do not use any material that has been provided to you by me (the professor). Course materials include: the textbook, articles, module pages, videos, optional resources. You can use these resources to support your answer and you must cite them, but it will not count as your 1 required external reference.

Canvas Studio Resources:

  • Not sure how to make a video? Try using Canvas Studio. Resources here: to an external site.
  • Additional link provided in course announcements on how to use Canvas Studio.

Citations/References Information:

  • You should only need the textbook, articles/resources already provided, and the module pages to answer these questions. Some questions do specify you need to find an external source to dive deeper. Be sure to pay attention to directions.
    • Yes, the textbook and module pages should be included in a reference list, along with any other references/resources you use. Make sure these are reliable resources, Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source.
      • You may format your reference list/bibliography in either MLA or APA.
      • Click here for a helpful web page for formatting in APALinks to an external site.
      • Click here for a helpful web page for formatting in MLALinks to an external site.
  • Still have question about how you’ll be graded? Check out the grading rubric that will be used to grade this assignment, provided at the bottom of this page.

Cuyamaca Tutoring Center Help

Struggle with writing essays, formatting references, etc? I strongly recommend taking advantage of the editing assistance from the tutoring center. They can provide proof-reading services and help you with proper formatting and referencing. The Tutoring center information can be found in the Orientation module and on their website, found by clicking here.

  • File Upload
  • Text Entry
  • Website URL
  • Media
  • Studio
  • Office 365
Upload a file, or choose a file you’ve already uploaded.


Concept Check Assignment Presentation- Final Draft

Concept Check Assignment Presentation- Final Draft

Criteria Ratings

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/AccuracyIs what you’re saying/writing true and based on current scientific consensus? Did you answer the question fully and correctly?

Full Marks

Thoroughly answered all parts to each question. Included important and relevant details and information to formulate a complete explanation/analysis.

Partial Marks

Only partially answered all parts of each question AND/OR did not include all important and relevant details and information to formulate a complete explanation/analysis AND/OR information that was provided is partially incorrect AND/OR did not provide and external reference and demonstrate additional research completed if answered #6

No Marks

Did not answer three questions. All information that was provided was incorrect.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarityIs your explanation easy to follow? Does it look like you put your assignment together at 11:00pm before it was due? Or, did you put some thought and preparation in to it? Is the powerpoint presentation organized? Did you follow the directions for properly formatting your powerpoint?

Full Marks

Explanation was clear and train of thought was easy to follow. Answer to all three questions are easy to identify and I didn’t have to hunt through your work to find your answers. Clear demonstration of thoughtful preparation. Followed all formatting directions.

Partial Marks

Explanation was mostly clear and train of thought was trackable. Answer to all three questions were somewhat difficult to identify and I had to hunt through your work to find your answers. AND/OR Moderately shows little thought and preparation was put into your assignment. Just read off the slide and did not completely follow formatting directions.

No Marks

Did not answer three questions AND/OR explanation was not clear and train of thought was difficult to follow AND/OR Answer to the three questions were difficult to identify and I had to hunt through your work to find your answers, or were not present at all. Strongly shows little thought and preparation was put into your assignment and clear you did not practice or prepare.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences/CitationsMust include all references including the web address of any website from which you get information. Turn this in to the instructor before presenting.

Full Marks

References present and formatted. Includes in-text citations and a formatted works-cited/reference list.

Partial Marks

References present and formatted. Missing either in-text citations or a formatted works-cited/reference list.

No Marks

No in-text citations or works-cited list.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews:Did you complete at least one peer review? Did you provide thoughtful feedback using the rubric and did your comments overall help your peer improve their assignment?

Full Marks

Comments were provided constructively and respectfully. Identified errors made or provided useful suggestions to help your peer improve their assignment.

No Marks

Did not complete a peer review.