Drawing especially on the readings and the lesson content thus far, how do immig

Drawing especially on the readings and the lesson content thus far, how do immigration regulations also work to regulate “the nation” and/or the citizens within the nation? How are hierarchies of gender, sexuality, race, and/or nationality relevant to immigration regulation?
For each Daily Discussion, you will create one original post that includes a discussion question, and respond to one of your classmates’ posts/discussion questions with a response discussion post.
The original discussion post should be 450-600 words, and must include a discussion question about the readings or course content for that day. Keep in mind the best discussion questions will be:
Open-ended- Questions cannot be answered with yes/no or either/or
Answerable by classmates- Questions do not require extensive knowledge from outside the course, and can be answered using knowledge/experience versus speculation
Substantive and relevant- Questions should be related to a significant point/argument in the course lesson or readings assigned for the day, and should ask us to consider the point/argument in the context of the themes of this course.
In addition, you will craft a response post that replies in a substantive manner to a discussion question posed by one of your classmates. The post should be at least 150 words.
The two discussion posts will be due by 11:59 pm each day. Discussion posts will be graded for originality, thoughtfulness, and grammar/organization. Out of the 30 points possible for each Discussion, the original post with a discussion question is worth a total of 20 points, and the response is worth a total of 10 points.