Frequently Asked Questions: Supporting Students with Literacy Challenges in the Classroom Q: When should a comprehensive literacy evaluation be considered for a student? A: A comprehensive literacy evaluation should be considered when a student is consistently struggling with reading and writing despite

As a teacher, you will encounter students with literacy challenges daily. Sometimes students will have a diagnosed disability, and other times the classroom teacher will determine whether a referral for additional evaluation and testing should be considered. Gathering student data that could be used to make recommendations related to assisting students who are experiencing challenges with literacy can be vital. Additionally, understanding the role of data collection, Response to Intervention (RTI), supports for students with exceptionalities, and teacher training needed to implement screening tools effectively is necessary to best meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
Using the topic Resources and your own research, create a 250-500 word Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. The document should clarify what teachers should do if screening assessment results indicate there is a potential reading learning disability by addressing the following:
Explain when a comprehensive literacy evaluation should be considered.
Provide 3-5 classroom behaviors that could also be indicators of potential learning difficulties related to literacy.
Describe the data that should be collected to determine if a student is struggling in literacy. Discuss how that data can be analyzed to determine the severity of their struggles in your content area.
Describe Response to Intervention (RTI) and how it can be used to assist students with literacy in your content area.
List programs and resources to support students (Grades 6-12) with indications of one or more literacy exceptionalities.
Describe teacher training that could be used to support teachers in ensuring student literacy needs are being met in their content area classrooms.
Support the assignment with 3-5 scholarly resources.  
While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

The post Frequently Asked Questions: Supporting Students with Literacy Challenges in the Classroom

Q: When should a comprehensive literacy evaluation be considered for a student?
A: A comprehensive literacy evaluation should be considered when a student is consistently struggling with reading and writing despite appeared first on get essay fast.