Identify a time in which collaboration was not used and that led to negative con

Identify a time in which collaboration was not used and that led to negative consequences for the patient.  Discuss the responsibility of the APRN as a patient advocate.
Provide 2 peer reviewed references < 5 years old that are from a professional Advanced Practice Journal for your initial post.
Make your initial post by 23:59 EST Wednesday of Week 4.
Respond to two other classmates’ posts providing 2 peer reviewed references per post that are < 5 years old and from a professional Advanced Practice Journal.
Follow up posts are due by 23:59 EST Sunday Week 4.
Review the posted Collaborative/Standard Care Agreement.  Discuss the positive and negative aspects of it in the discussion board.
Provide 2 peer reviewed references < 5 years old that are from a professional Advanced Practice Journal for your initial post.
Make your initial post by 23:59 EST Wednesday of Week 4.
Respond to two other classmates’ posts providing 2 peer reviewed references per post that are < 5 years old and from a professional Advanced Practice Journal.
Follow up posts are due by 23:59 EST Sunday Week 4
Identify which of the MSN essentials this assignment meets.