“Navigating Multiple Languages in Mecca: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Bilingualism”

Essay Assignment Prompt for Mecca
This essay assignment is slightly different than the previous essay assignments we have written for
English 4 this spring. It asks you to analyze one or two characters from Susan Straight’s book Mecca,
focusing on how they navigate multiple languages. Then, explain your opinion about the benefits and
drawbacks of knowing (reading, writing, speaking) two or more languages. Do you think the benefits
outweigh the drawbacks, or do the negative aspects have a greater impact than the positive aspects?
Explain why by using personal experiences, observations of the world around you, and/or researched
sources (in addition to Mecca). All sources, including Mecca, need to be cited both internally and in a
Works Cited list following basic MLA citation style. Keep in mind that at least 70% of the essay should
focus on your opinion.
The rough draft is due to Canvas by the start of class on Friday, 31 May 2024.
Peer Reviews (via Canvas) are due by the end of the day (11:59 PM) on Friday, 31 May 2024.
The final draft is due by the end of the day (11:59 PM) on Monday, 3 June 2024.
Please be sure to take time to edit and proofread the final draft of the essay. It should be formatted in
the same manner as our previous essays and should be submitted as a Word document or PDF file. Do
not submit a “Pages” file as it cannot be read by Canvas and will be counted as late until a proper
readable file has been submitted. 
only use the book and give a title to the article you wrote

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