Plants and Industry: 1-2 page brief Write a short review of a plant of interest

Plants and Industry: 1-2 page brief
Write a short review of a plant of interest in a field of interest. You are required to use at least two peerreviewed scientific papers but the rest of your sources can come from news magazines, websites, or
other sources. All sources, regardless of where they are from, must have proper citation according to
the format given in the syllabus. (2 pts.)
1. History of your plant (scientific and common name) and origins for use in the industry. (e.g.
Muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia) were first recognized in North Carolina in 1584 by Sir
Walter Raleigh [1]. For the past 400 years, muscadine grapes have been cultivated a crop in the
Southern part of the United States [1]. The high resveratrol content increases health benefits
attributed to this crop and products such as wines and grape juice from these grapes…. (2 pts.)
[1] USDA. 1997. America’s First Grape: The Muscadine. AgMag. 1-16.
2. Describe use of your plants in the industry or field using literature to support your descriptions.
(2 pts.) (e.g. Muscadine grapes are used to make ciders and wines…..)
3. Describe the impact of your plant on society based on its use in the industry described. (2 pts.)
4. Discuss any physiological factors that influence growth or maintenance of your plant specific to
where it is cultivated and/ or used. (e.g. Muscadine grapes prefer a subtropical climate with
temperatures of…). Include if your plant is a bryophyte, monilophyte, gymnosperm, angiosperm
(monocot or dicot)). (2 pts.)