Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts

Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts. Responses must be in MLA format.


  • Explore in writing what you have read/watched and what we have presented in the modules.


  • Reply to only 1 of 3 topics/questions located below.
  • Students are to submit their assignment by May 20, 11:59 pm using the submission link on this page.
  • Use citations and supporting evidence from texts/videos found in your Modules.
  • Restate the chosen topic/question in the first few sentences of your response.

MLA Format Review Purdue WebpageLinks to an external site.


  1. Compare and Contrast two works from Weeks 5-7. Focus on symbols, archetypes, and universal themes.
  2. Analyze and discuss a selected work from Weeks 5-7.
  3. Using a critical approach, review a selected work from Weeks 5-7.
  4. Where Does Great Art Come From? | Katherine Jentleson | TEDxGeorgiaTech