Think about a recent interpersonal conflict you have had with someone you know o

Think about a recent interpersonal conflict you have had with someone you know offline. This could be a roommate, a classmate, a friend, a family member, a work colleague. Use the 5 phases of conflict from Week 8 (see below) and apply the stages to your conflict by following these steps:
Organize your answer according to the 5 phases, with one paragraph per phase. Be concise in your descriptions of the conflict! (Two good models for this organization and concise description can be found in the reading on pages 15 and 16.)
Include the definition of each phase in its corresponding paragraph. Cite either lecture or the reading for the definition.
Reflect on your experience. In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently? Is there anything you wish the other person had done differently?
Length: 300-400 words (about a page). 
Font: 12 pt; Times or Arial (Double Spaced)
Margins: 1″ 
Concepts need to be used :
the 5 phases of the process model of conflict
prelude to conflict
triggering event
initiation phase
differentiation phase
resolution phase
Citation when using the reading given in the file: Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2013). Managing conflict through communication (5th ed.). Pearson.