When engaging in research or data analyses, the ability to spot ethical pitfalls

When engaging in research or data analyses, the ability to spot ethical pitfalls is key. Understanding research design and methods allows the individual to spot faulty reasoning and to point out conclusions that could be unethical or dangerous. This is an applicable skill set for many different career paths. In this 3-part questionnaire, you will be assessed on your understanding of the various components of research design and the scientific method.
Select 2 research articles from peer-reviewed psychology journals in the University Library (see the documents uploaded). Refer to Table 2.2, “A List of Psychological Journals by Type of Article Published,” located on p. 71 in Ch. 2 of The Process of Research and Statistical Analysis in Psychology, to help you with your search. This list includes both general psychology journals and journals that specialize in a particular area of psychology.
Apply the scientific method to evaluate the evidence presented in the articles you selected. Use these articles as a framework for completing the following 3-part questionnaire.
Part 1
Write a 75- to 125-word answer to each of the following questions:
What is the purpose of each of the sections in a typical research article?
What are the steps to critically evaluate research articles, and how does the scientific method help you do this? 
Part 2
Write a 75- to 125-word answer to each of the following questions:
What is the importance of research in behavioral sciences?
What is the relationship between applied research and basic research? Provide an example, from your selected studies, of how each contributes to the body of knowledge.
What ethical issues can you identify in the selected articles? How were the issues addressed or neglected? 
Part 3
Write a 75- to 125-word answer to each of the following questions:
Identify 3 research topics that you might want to explore further as you go through this course.
List appropriate sources, including databases, that you might use when exploring these topics. 
Include a reference page and format your citations according to APA guidelines.