Assistive Technology Paper Assignment Instructions 1.  You will choose 3 peer-re

Assistive Technology Paper Assignment Instructions
1.  You will choose 3 peer-reviewed
research articles related to assistive technology and        augmentative/alternative
technology to write a paper distinguishing between the varying    use of assistive
and augmented/alternative technologies.
2.  You will differentiate between the use
of each in terms of services and how these are            addressed on an IEP. 
3.  Additionally, you will report on 1 current issue in the field of special
education related to assistive technology and augmentative/alternative
technology based on the findings in the literature. 
4.  Finally, you will offer
recommendations based on the research to resolve the issue.
All articles must be
current (5 years or less). The 3-4-page paper will include a title page,
abstract, and reference page (not included in the page count). A minimum of 6
citations       must be included and must be paraphrased and/or summarized. Include current
APA format headings for organization.