Capstone Project Proposal: Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Underserved Communities

Complete the Capstone Project Template Draft 
Use this template to complete the assignment BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Template Download BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Template.
What is the project question? In other words what are you ultimately trying to figure out?
What is the title of your project?
Who will benefit from your project?
Where are the people located that will benefit from your project?
What date do you plan on implementing your project?
How long will your project take from beginning to end?
Budget requirements of your project (How much money will it take to implement your project?)
Why did you decide to do this project?
What do you hope to achieve by doing this project?
What do you need to do to help you complete this project?
Will your project have long term effect? If so. What are they? If none. Why not?
Will the project be sustainable? If so. How will you sustain the project?
How will your project be evaluated?
Are there any risks associated with the project?
Is there anything that may prevent your project form succeeding? If so, what?
This draft copy may be changed throughout the semester as you develop your project proposal.
Draft copy will be submitted by Sunday 11:59 week 4
Final copy will be submitted in week 13.

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