“Cross Sections: An Essential Component in Railway Design and Analysis”

I have attached the assignment 2 file is our group’s work. My part is 6.2 Cross Sections.
Look at the assignment Assignment 2_CIVE1257-2 (1) file. You will find number 4: Choose my part requirements which is about Cross Sections.
1/ I want you to write an essay about what I did ( my part requirements which is about Cross Sections) in the group report, and I will also give you some information that you must include in this essay.
2/ Write a conclusion for all this report.
I attached as well information 1 file 3.6 Turnouts and Crossings Page 20 – 21
I would be happy if you get some information and ideas.
See information 2 file for add some numbers: When I do the cross sections, I Use 20 metres to get the right scale.
Write everything you can. If you do not understand something, write it in general
But please, the conclusion must be professional

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