Please create two (2) separate documents. Thank you. * Informed Consent Form *

Please create two (2) separate documents. Thank you.
* Informed Consent Form
* Recruitment Flyer.
• Informed Consent Process
• Information to include in the recruitment flyer
Here is the information you will include when you create your recruitment flyer. My flyer will need to have all of this information so let me know if you have any questions.
Research Participants Wanted
My name is [Insert Name] and I am conducting a research study to fulfill the requirements for a [Insert your degree] degree in [Insert your department] at The Chicago School.
The purpose of this study is to provide a good example of a sample application for the IRB.
You may participate in this study if:
• List inclusion criteria
• List inclusion criteria
• List inclusion criteria
During this study, you will be asked to [brief description of study procedures] about your [[description of subject of the research]. The [insert the duration of the study]. You will be asked to complete this study in a [insert location of research] .
[Include compensation if applicable. Maintain the same font throughout, no emphasis or change in font type]
If you are interested and/or have any questions, please contact me or my dissertation chair as noted below.
(Principal Investigator
e-mail address
(Dissertation Chair)
email address