The Ambivalent Decision: My Experience with Weight-Loss Surgery Making life-changing decisions can be both exhilarating and daunting. In her essay “What Fullness Is,” Roxane Gay shares her experience with weight-loss surgery and the complex emotions that

Address the following in a written essay:
In this essay, Gay explores her ambivalence about her weight-loss surgery and its consequences. Using Gay’s essay as a model, write an essay about a major decision you have made about which you have mixed or complex feelings.
Essay Requirements:
Must be formatted according to current MLA standards (Left name block, double space, page numbers, etc.). Use Times New Roman 12 pt font 
Submit as a Word or PDF document only 
Must be a minimum of 500 words and no more than 700 words 
Must include a clear thesis statement in your introductory paragraph 
Use essay formatting, including an introduction paragraph, body, and conclusion 
*Must contain at least two (2) direct quotes or paraphrases from the essay. Limit these quotes to no more than 2-3 lines each
*Must properly cite the quotes within the text 
*Must properly cite the readings in the Works Cited 
You will be graded on your ability to properly format the essay, the organization of the essay, grammar and punctuation, and your use of citations. 

The post The Ambivalent Decision: My Experience with Weight-Loss Surgery

Making life-changing decisions can be both exhilarating and daunting. In her essay “What Fullness Is,” Roxane Gay shares her experience with weight-loss surgery and the complex emotions that appeared first on get essay fast.