8600-311 Assignment Example

CBRE’s ILM3: Module 3



8600-311 Developing Yourself and Others

AC 1.1

Learning Style: Pragmatist


Pragmatists are known for their practical solutions to situations (Denis, 2020). However, they are prone to emphasise their bias towards the usefulness of content in the real-life context. As solution-oriented pragmatists, they strive to apply newly gained theories and skills in direct practical contexts (Denis, 2020).


With this managerial style, I am, as described in Honey and Mumford Questionnaires, a pragmatist. This also means that I have approached all learning situations with an immediate aim to implement those concepts in my local problems, and hence, they play an integral part in solving such. An illustration of this would be when I realised that our team had a crucial task difficulty. Instead of having to read and comprehend a ten-thousand-page book on the theory of management, I could have done better searching for strategies and solutions that practicably work to solve the problem. Eventually, this practical mindset directed me towards the solution, which was vividly visible and produced positive outcomes.

Team Member

Learning Style: Theorist


Though theorists posit that learning ought to be built on principles, theories, and models, they especially appreciate the gradual process of understanding and developing the applications of the concepts. Theorists tend to be systematic and logical in their attempt to assimilate knowledge. They focus on accommodating the information within a cognitive framework and building a comprehensive understanding before taking any action (Denis, 2020).


One of my peers is a theorist. He addresses situations by searching for the theory and concept behind every action. For example, when he assigned our group to implement a new project management system, he used these research methods to understand the related project management methodologies and theories fully. Using this theoretical approach, he easily forms rightful choices stemming from his competence and knowledge of the issue.

AC 1.2


Technique Used: SWOT Analysis

First Weakness: Time Management

Presentation of Weakness

I frequently find myself overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines and need more comprehension of prioritising functions. This, in turn, creates missed deadlines and a lack of action completion that affects not only my production but also the shared workload of the team.

Development Need: One of my most important tasks is to improve my time management, including determining the importance of tasks and consistently meeting deadlines. That might be accomplished using the Eisenhower matrix, task organisation, and digital scheduling tools.

Second Weakness: Conflict Resolution

Presentation of Weakness: Whenever a disagreement arises, I cannot address it immediately. Consequently, I can only reconcile with the problems once they become conflicts. Whenever I fall for specific issues at work, I overlook them or ignore them and hope they will resolve themselves naturally. However, this does not mean all issues disappear; the unresolved issues will continue to breed tensions and reduce team morale.

Development Need

My development of conflict resolution skills will be crucial, especially in how I react when conflicts arise and resolve them proactively and through constructive discussions. This could involve training in conflict resolution skills, like active listening and mediation, so there is clarity while dealing with conflict within the team.

Team Member

Technique Used: SWOT Analysis

First Weakness: Communication

Presentation of Weakness

When it comes to good communication practice, my team members sometimes are prone to mumble their thoughts, which hurts our team meetings or presentations. This is because poor communication hinders collaboration, which sets the foundation for miscommunication.

Development Need

The member has been trying to develop communication skills, especially in articulating ideas clearly and participating effectively in discussions with fellow team members. It may include charting information, effective public speaking, and a workshop on communication that will help increase clarity and confidence in communication.

Second Weakness: Delegation

Presentation of Weakness

The staff member needs to be more directive in issue allocating and distribution. In this mode, personnel performance and growth opportunities are hindered by their lack of empowerment and knowledge of their worth.

Development Need

Building delegation skills will be achievable through gender equity in business by trusting team members to do tasks by themselves and giving clear instructions when tasks are assigned to members. This can be accomplished through seminars or coaching sessions that will revolve around the essential techniques for smart delegation, as well as encouragement and mentoring to the team members to take ownership of their roles.

AC 1.3

Barrier 1: Inadequate time

In our competitive work environment, time is a significant factor. Time is the most significant barrier to learning in this fast-moving work culture. The busy work schedule and the tight deadlines dictate a lot for the staff, who are so overwhelmed that they cannot spare an hour to learn the professional development procedures (Overton, 2023). Though it is essential to realise the necessity of lifelong learning, these activities are postponed as work priorities usually come first. This often results in not setting aside time for educational endeavours.

I arranged a training session a while ago to improve management skills and develop our team’s skills. The training session would stay within this schedule. However, a sudden peak in workload required considerable effort. For now, we had to either shift or cancel this training session to address the urgent matters of our current projects.

Barrier 2: Limited access to learning resources

While yearning to better their professional knowledge, employees often face the obstacles of no longer having access to training material, the lack of updated learning platforms, or the absence of specific courses, leading them in the direction that they want their professional careers to grow (Overton, 2023).

The second person who drew me into data analytics was a close colleague’s desire to deepen their data analysis skills. On the other hand, the available literature on this course had few alternatives corresponding to our organisation’s specific needs. This minimal access to such learning materials caused me to be unable to achieve set learning goals successfully.

Barrier 3: inadequate finances for training

The Substantial Undermining of Training and Development Programs through inadequate funding is significant to the Learning Process within Organizations. Workers lacking the necessary financial funds may miss opportunities to fulfil these higher-level skills development programs and attend trade shows and industry workshops that are important for their professional careers (Overton, 2023).

Our team identified a need for specialised training in digital marketing strategies to stay abreast of industry trends. However, due to Budget constraints, we could not secure funding for the desired training program, hindering our ability to acquire the necessary skills to remain competitive in the market.

AC 1.4

Barrier 1: Inadequate time

Delegating Tasks

Delegating mundane tasks to competent staff saves them valuable time that can be channelled to the issues that matter. Such a repartition of work becomes efficient and reduces people’s need to simultaneously work on too many things. When there is no productivity in other areas, people can focus on personal development (Fitzgerald, 2023).

Remote Work Opportunities

Employers willing to let their employees work from home one day a week can find businesses invaluable to their employees’ talents. This will mean more time for self-directed learning, bringing multiple benefits, such as productivity and flexibility (Press, 2022).

Time Management Strategies

By implementing adequate time management techniques, including specific chunking of time every week for learning, the tasks to be perfectly juggled with other priorities are well sorted (Press, 2022). Work scheduling tools and task prioritisation become essential as they guarantee the best use of time devoted to learning.

Barrier 2

Seek External Resources

Circulate the external learning ecosystem, extracting the best content from online courses, webinars, and industry conferences for study purposes. The utilisation of different types of learning deliveries, such as digital and non-digital resources, thus provides a bigger chance of accessing the best education beyond what is usually provided by institutional facilities and offices (Blossom, 2023).

Networking and Collaboration

Develop a collaborative community among colleagues by seeking advice and consulting with industry experts. Through networking events and forums, one can quickly consult with masterminds and receive advice, insights and experience from outside their formal training environments.

Invest in Internal Training Programs

This involves investing in internal training resources that are highly specialised and cater to the company’s particular talent development requirements (). Work closely with HR and leadership to design and develop an individualised training plan that aligns with the team members’ understanding of their institutions.

Barrier 3

Seek External Funding Sources

Check out the possibility of utilising outside financial offers, such as grants, scholarships, or programs applying the industry to the Budget of training and development (Blossom, 2023). Investigating and meeting most economic funding opportunities are great solutions to curb limited budgets and facilitate attendance at the perfect training programs.

Cost-sharing Arrangements

Establish mutual benefit-sharing schemes with stakeholders or allocate training budgets that departmental administrations will finance. Sharing the initial portion of the expenses or resources with other teams or departments when conducting training programs opens a door for resource pooling. It manages costs more efficiently from the learning perspective (CIPD, 2020).

Advocate for Budget Reallocation

Create the most convincing business case for leadership, including appeals to the ROI of team member training and development. Point out the medium—to long-term advantages of upgrading and retraining employees to promote innovation, production, and company profitability, which is a powerful argument for directing financial resources towards learning activities (CIPD, 2020).

AC 2.1


Development Need: Developing efficacy when facing an arduous discussion.

Learning Options



They offer online courses in diverse disciplines that are easily connected to and cost-effective compared to other learning resources (Riseup, 2020).


E-learning options can be challenging without responsibility and require more virtual feedback and interpersonal relations (Riseup, 2020).



They offer personalised direction and feedback, which breaks down barriers to acquisition. Besides, they can be crafted for individuals’ specific needs (Arisha, 2021).

Cons: Hiring an external coach is quite pricey, and the availability of appropriate coaches is limited (Arisha, 2021). Besides, hiring a coach is unreliable because the coach may be unavailable.

Role-playing Workshops


They allow students to be involved in real-life situations, preparing them for difficult discussions and allowing them to react immediately and reflect (Robby, 2022).


However, they call for daily evaluation, a possibility of de-synchronisation during the scenarios, and might transpose the role of a learner (Robby, 2022).


Coaching becomes the most appropriate since the students’ learning needs are practice-oriented and require personalised feedback. While eLearning provides the advantages of both accessibility and cost-effectiveness, coaching, on the other hand, focuses on providing individualised support and guidance. This is a necessary tool for the improvement of the assertiveness of individuals when it comes to having difficult conversations—workshops with role-playing address this issue impeccably, whereby learners are given hands-on experience. At the same time, those receiving coaching have a chance to appreciate one-to-one situations, and this creates a platform for personalised feedback and guidance. Furthermore, coaching areas for positive feedback and accountability guarantee that assertiveness skills are developed and remain vital for a long time.

Team Member

Development Need: Developing better listening skills actively.

Learning Options



It offers personalised direction and gives one a first-hand experience applying active listening skills (Vulcan, 2018).


Nevertheless, a limited number of mentors with fit profiles is also an issue. Time constraints for both mentor and mentee may also compromise the quality of mentoring (Vulcan, 2018).

Interactive Workshops

Through the workshops, learners have a chance to utilise their practical skills, chances to increase their skills and a chance to work with the classmates they interact with (Glenister, 2020).


Restrictions to individual aspects and the possibility of confusion when audits are too big (Glenister, 2020).



It encourages personalised instruction and feedback in line with individuals’ learning needs, practice, real-time feedback, and the strength of knowledge level (Ward, 2021).


Nevertheless, affordability is an issue. Hiring external coaches could be expensive. Besides, scheduling conflicts may also arise as coaches might be busy when commencement is needed (Ward, 2021). 


Therefore, the individualised coaching approach is more effective for the team than the other options because it ensures personal attention and practical exercises. Whilst mentoring offers many insights from those who have been in their position, coaching creates a situation where one will have an opportunity to benefit from being coached on specific skills development. Workshops, where participants can engage in direct interactions for learning purposes, make it hard to neglect other aspects, such as providing individual attention and identifying weaknesses. Furthermore, coaching builds a continuing support structure that facilitates continuous growth and development.

AC 2.2

About myself

Support Mechanism 1: Accountability partner

Identify the Mechanism

Having someone to hold me accountable for my overall activities.


This approach involves finding a partner (a colleague or a peer) with similar aspirations or learning purposes (Hopkins, 2022). Frequent meeting sessions will discuss progress, problems encountered, and reflections on the educational pathway. Thus, being a self-support mechanism consists of quite the same promotion to be clear, providing a space for insight sharing and resource sharing, and maintaining accountability to do what is needed to meet our learning targets within the set time.

Support Mechanism 2

Manager support

Identify the Mechanism

Manager support

Manager support is the crucial step that should be done while facilitating learning and development. Biannual or quarterly one-on-one meetings with the manager can be arranged to discuss the learning goals, progress can be reviewed, and any support needed can be addressed (Hopkins, 2022). My manager could assist in overcoming difficulties, locating resources where needed and voicing these out or making them known. Besides, my manager’s authorisation and giving me a space to try things gives me the desired atmosphere to grow and innovate.

About Team Member

Support Mechanism 1: Peer- Collaboration Group

Identify the Mechanism: Collaboration group of Peers.


Collaborating with fellow workers group allows peer interaction among individuals on the same level regarding developmental needs or learning interests. Through group meetings or talks, peers can interact and exchange their knowledge, questions, and resources while working towards their goals (Billett, 2020). Through this multi-tier support mechanism, the team member can benefit from peer learning, exchanging ideas and best practices, and developing mutual support among peers in the community.

Support Mechanism 2: Facilitated Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Identify the Mechanism

Team Member Assistance Program – EAP.

The Employee Assistance Program is where any team member can seek to talk about work-related conflicts or personal problems that add to stress and affect their performance. The program provides confidential counselling and support services (Billett, 2020). Through the exploration of EAP, the team member may be assisted in receiving guidance, advice, and referral, which in return may help the individual clear out any issues that are not hindering their learning or personal development. The program presents an opportunity for the team member to share their dreams, explore their ideas, and get access to professional resources and guidance to move past their challenges and increase productivity.

AC 2.3

Action Action taken by Resources/ Support Timeframe
Research accessible on e-learning modules regarding assertiveness self Online reviews, L&TM Team and internet. 2 weeks
Book 1:1- meeting with the line managers for approval Self  Prepared proof regarding relevance to the role of line manager. 1 weeks
Dedicate time for learning in the personal calendar Self  Team support, personal time management A week.
Allocate particular periods to complete the course self A supportive team atmosphere, and time management techniques. Throughout 2 months
Consistent progress check-ins and schedule adjustments. Self Adaptability, personal reflection Monthly
Enrol in selected eLearning course Self  Confirmation email, online platform registration 1 day

The implementation plan comprises concrete measures to achieve SMART performance goals, such as finishing the 6 module eLearning course on assertiveness within three months. Initiative areas involve

  • researching the courses available,
  • looking for the Manager’s approval,
  • taking up a specific time of the day for learning,
  • enrolling in the course you desire,
  • scheduling study sessions and following up on your progress in a habitual manner.

The objective can be achieved meaningfully within the stipulated timeframe by carrying out consistent planning and tracking progress.

AC 2.4

About myself

Development Area: Enhancing assertiveness.

Monitoring Method: 1:1 Meetings.

Step-by-Step Monitoring Process

Pre-Development Assessment

Peer and subordinate audiences will be needed to garner feedback about the accurate level of assertiveness (North & Kumta, 2018).

Classify the reviews and make efforts to adjust these features based on users’ comments.

Initial 1:1 Meeting with Agent:

Thoroughly talk about the feedback you received from the mandate to give Vietoo.

Set well-defined goals and purposeful actions to help polish assertiveness (North & Kumta, 2018).

Midway Check-in:

Explore midway throughout the eLearning course how we can improve it in the areas where learners lag behind the most.

Another vital piece of feedback to consider is that of individuals on my team: peers and direct reports.

We conducted mid-course adjustments if necessary, pressing the feedback that had been received.

Module Completion Feedback:

After completing each module of the eLearning course, the feedback from my peers and direct reports is crucial.

Follow-up 1:1 Review with my Manager:

Share the efficacy of this eLearning course at the end of this session.

Plan for any additional changes that need to be made and note steps to be taken in the future.

Ongoing Feedback and Improvement:

Finally, another piece of advice is to request feedback initially and then periodically, even after I complete the eLearning course.

Track aggression levels and set goals for even better growth.

Utilize 1:1 periodic face-to-face chats between them for continued further development discussions.

About Team Member:

Development Area: Positive communication response.

Monitoring Method: Feedback and Observation

Step-by-Step Monitoring Process

Initial Observation:

See how much team members process information throughout team meetings, discussions and interactions.

Take notes, including the power of strengths and weakness areas (North & Kumta, 2018). 

Feedback Session:

Offer helpful feedback to the teammate referring to the seen behaviours.

Speak about actual instances where the implementation of the active listening skill is adequate or when it is misused.

Action Planning:

Develop a development plan alongside the team members in which we can act to feel better.

Establish measurable goals and outline methods for nurturing active listening proficiencies (North & Kumta, 2018).

Ongoing Observations:

The next step is to monitor the team member’s active listening habits, trying different settings.

Only a successful monitoring system closely monitors the process and provides feedback.

Peer Feedback:

Discourage team members to provide feedback not just not only on active listening but also on other team members.

Any peer observations and feedback should be included in the monitoring system.

Follow-up Feedback Sessions:

Schedule occasional feedback sessions to get a status of progress and issues encountered with it.

Tweak current methodology and options when taking into consideration feedback and observations.

Real-time evaluation, free constructive comments and proactive solutions will allow for ongoing, gradual progress of active listening skills.


Arisha (2021). Pros and Cons of Coaching That You Must Know. [online] The Coachable You. Available at: https://thecoachableyou.com/life-coaching/pros-and-cons-coaching-mentoring/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Billett, S. (2020). Learning In The Workplace Strategies for effective practice. [online] Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003116318/learning-workplace-stephen-billett [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Blossom (2023). Top 10 Barriers to Learning L&D Managers Face and How to Overcome Them. [online] Blossom. Available at: https://www.blossom-kc.com/blog/top-10-barriers-to-learning-ld-managers-face-and-how-to-overcome-them/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

CIPD (2020). CIPD | Introduction for line managers. [online] CIPD. Available at: https://www.cipd.org/en/knowledge/tools/line-manager-introduction-to-support-materials/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Denis, G. (2020). Honey and Mumford learning styles. [online] Expert Program Management. Available at: https://expertprogrammanagement.com/2020/10/honey-and-mumford/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Fitzgerald, C. (2023). 7 Barriers To Learning: Overcoming Obstacles For Personal Growth. [online] Oak Innovation. Available at: https://www.oakinnovation.com/blog/free-instructional-design-skills/7-barriers-to-learning [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Glenister, N. (2020). 8 Benefits Of Interactive Training In The Workplace. [online] eLearning Industry. Available at: https://elearningindustry.com/benefits-interactive-training-in-workplace [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Hopkins, B. (2022). Learning Strategies for Sustainable Organisations. [online] Available at: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003218296/learning-strategies-sustainable-organisations-bryan-hopkins [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

North, K. and Kumta, G. (2018). Knowledge Management: Value Creation Through Organizational Learning. [online] Google Books. Springer. Available at: https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=rk9UDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=learning+and+development+in+organisations&ots=1_ICyl5JWQ&sig=qZGzYTwLnTzxOJciwbEukZ_A8So&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=learning%20and%20development%20in%20organisations&f=false [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Overton, L. (2023). How to connect line managers with learning. [online] Learning Changemakers. Available at: https://www.learningchangemakers.com/how-to-connect-line-managers-with-learning/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Press, R. (2022). 9 Barriers to Learning (+How to Overcome Them) – Whatfix. [online] The Whatfix Blog | Drive Digital Adoption. Available at: https://whatfix.com/blog/barriers-to-learning/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Reddy (2022). Advantages & Disadvantages for Using Role Play As a Training Method. [online] Available at: https://yourcareersupport.com/role-play-training/#google_vignette [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Riseup (2020). E-learning: pros and cons. [online] www.riseup.ai. Available at: https://www.riseup.ai/en/blog/elearning-pros-and-cons [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Vulcan , N. (2018). Pros & Cons of Mentoring. [online] Career Trend. Available at: https://careertrend.com/info-8421036-pros-cons-mentoring.html [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].

Ward, H. (2021). The Top 3 Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Coaching Training Method. [online] unboxedtechnology.com. Available at: https://unboxedtechnology.com/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-coaching-training-method/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2024].