ILM Level 3 Unit 6 Problem Solving – Task One

Unit 6 Problem Solving – Task One

Assignment guidance

You may want to relate your answers to an organisation that you work in. If you are not currently working within an organisation, then you may complete this task in relation to an organisation with which you are familiar. This could include experience working in a voluntary capacity.

This is a formal assessment that you will be marked and graded on. You will be marked on the quality and accuracy of the written work you produce. How well you know and understand the subject, and how you have used your knowledge and skills to complete the tasks must be clear in your answer. This means you will have to  explain your thinking and the reasons behind the way you have carried out the tasks and how/why you have made your decisions. Your tutor must be able to identify which work you have done yourself, and what you have found from other sources. It is therefore important to make sure you acknowledge all sources and clearly reference any information taken from them. Please refer to the Harvard referencing guide on the Google Classroom for further information. 

Assignment Brief

Please write your answers in the boxes provided (scroll down until you see “assignment answer”). The answer boxes will automatically expand as you type. Please do not feel you have to keep your answers short to fit in the box as it appears when you first open the assignment. Please do not edit or change any of the boxes that contain questions. 

Assignment Feedback (Tutor to complete) 

1.1 Identify the forces that  may require own organisation to change by  conducting a simple PESTLE or SWOT analysis
2.1 Give an example of change required in the workplace reflecting the  SWOT or PESTLE analysis
1.1 Describe a problem, its nature scope and impact

PESTLE Analysis (1.1)

Identify the forces that may require your own organisation to change by conducting a simple PESTLE analysis using the table below. The forces should be explicitly identified and cover a wide range including both internal and external. 
Category Fact Implications Opportunity Rate 1-5 Threat Rate 1-5 Potential actions
Political Government policies and regulations Single-handed care is strongly impacted by political decisions made about healthcare budgets, staffing levels, and regulatory requirements. Modifications to internal and external political decisions governing healthcare staffing ratios, training requirements, and funding allocations may have an impact on the availability and quality of single-handed care services. Policy advocacy: Consider engaging in campaigns to influence external and internal policies pertaining to single handed care. In order to contribute to policies  that strike a balance between the demands of patients and staff safety and workload concerns, this may entail working in collaboration with healthcare organisations, professional groups, and governmental organisations.
Healthcare reforms The organisation and provision of healthcare services, particularly the adoption of single-handed care models, may be impacted by political initiatives aimed at healthcare reform. Reforms like the introduction of new care delivery models or modifications to reimbursement mechanisms may have an impact on the adoption or adaptation of single-handed care techniques. Conduct an in-depth review of all current healthcare policies and guidelines pertaining to providing care using single handed care. Determine which policies require improvement in order to address new issues, encourage best practices, and guarantee adherence to the most recent evidence-based recommendations.
Political stability

PESTLE Analysis Outcome (1.2)

Give a detailed example of a change required in your workplace reflecting the PESTLE analysis. This change should be appropriate and realistic. 
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How was this change derived from the PESTLE analysis above?
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Defining the problem (1.1)

Identify a problem that is currently present in your workplace that relates to the change required you identified above. Provide a detailed description of the problem. 
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What is the scope of the problem identified? 
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What is the impact of this problem on your work and organisation? 
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What would be the benefit of solving this problem?
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