AHA Advocacy Agenda item Quality and Equity from the American Hospital Association’s Advocacy



write and present a leadership communication strategy for addressing your chosen AHA Advocacy Agenda item Quality and Equity from the American Hospital Association’s Advocacy Agenda page, found in Assessment 4: AHA Advocacy Agenda 2023.
From the resources, you have learned many elements of team leadership and collaboration. Use resources conduct research to investigate the issue you chose.
You can work on your own to develop this leadership communication strategy to demonstrate these competencies and experience how interdisciplinary teams work together toward a common goal.

In this assessment, you will prepare a presentation of 4-6 PowerPoint slides, including speaker notes, approximately 2-3 minutes in length each slide, that explain and analyze the key elements of your leadership communication strategy for addressing your chosen advocacy issue, Quality and Equity. Presentation should be a TOTAL OF 7-8 minute addressing recommendations that include opening and closing statements.
2024-Advocacy-Agenda-20240116.pdf (aha.org) page 13 contains information on Quality and Equity

The criteria for this assessment are:
• Explain the importance of strategic leadership to a healthcare organization.
• Describe strategies and methods a healthcare leader may use to persuade stakeholders to address an area of healthcare policy for positive change.
• Describe effective communication strategies a leader may choose to employ when communicating the strategic vision of the organization to key stakeholders.
• Explain why leaders must align the strategic communication efforts to the organizational culture of the stakeholders with the current and future needs of the population and describe methods for completing that alignment.
• Formulate an advocacy communication strategy aligning the goals and objectives working in collaboration with teams to encourage support for healthcare policy working in concert with the team members presenting an oral and written leadership communication strategy.
• Demonstrate effective communication through an oral presentation and writing and proper use of APA style with no significant errors.


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