Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration




Develop a Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration that:
Is relevant to the field of Business Psychology.
Is considered important enough for you to invest your time, motivation, and energy in completing (has a positive benefit for you and the organization involved)
Relates to at least three of the overall learning outcomes for the Business Psychology program. The outcomes are:
Assess the value of a neuroscience tool for use in the workplace.
Diagnose an organizational culture.
Evaluate psychological assessments for use in leadership and organizational development.
Create behaviorally-based measures of economic performance.
Apply psychological principles to new product marketing.
Differentiate job applicants using behavioral science methods.
Design a process to stimulate organizational innovation.
Employ coaching techniques to deal with dysfunctional individuals.
Is doable, or substantial progress can be made, within the six week time-frame of the course.

The current paper should be based on the attached project proposal:

Executive Summary
Organization Overview
Background of the Industry
Theory 1
Theory 2
Survey Collection and Results
Theory 3 (Use the Trans-Theoretical Model to suggest the recommendations)
Short Term Recommendations
Long Term Recommendations


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