Annotating Significant Sources: Five Intelligent Summaries Annotation 1: “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” (278 words) In “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health,” author Sarah Smith explores the effects of social media on

In one document, complete five annotations. Each annotation should be 278 words. BRIEF quotation is allowed, provided that the quotations included are indisputably significant. Depending on the specific goals of an annotation project, you may be asked to do the following (in order of descending likelihood/importance): SUMMARIZE. It would be best if you produced an erudite digest of the source in which you clearly articulate the thesis of the argument and the main supporting ideas. A good annotation is, first and foremost, an intelligent summary. EVALUATE. Usually, you will be required to assess the source. This typically amounts to a short explanation of why the text is useful or persuasive (conversely, why it is less than useful or fails to persuade). CONTEXTUALIZE. You are often required to situate your source within a larger body of work. When required, explain the importance of the text to the field, subfield, or discourse, identify with whom the author is in dialogue, by whom the author was influenced, whom the author, in turn, influenced, etc.

The post Annotating Significant Sources: Five Intelligent Summaries

Annotation 1: “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” (278 words)

In “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health,” author Sarah Smith explores the effects of social media on appeared first on get essay fast.