Homework #1 – The Process of Art Introduction This assignment is designed to int

Homework #1 – The Process of Art
This assignment is designed to introduce you to contemporary artists making work today. Founded in 1997, Art:21 interviews artists of the 21st century, and launched their first on-air season in 2001. These videos will take you into the studios and galleries so that you get a direct look at what is happening in the “art world.”
View at least five short videos from ART:21Links to an external site.. You can search for artists’ names by alphabet at the top of Art:21’s homepage. You may not be familiar with any of the names and could just pick some at random. Watch how they work and what they say about their process. Then, place one artist in each of the following categories:
Who did you think was the artist most concerned with the process of making the work?
Who was the artist most concerned with creativity in the idea for their art or the work itself?
What artist was most concerned with materials?
Who surprised you the most?
Grading Criteria
Please write a response of 150 words or more in a double-spaced, left-aligned, 12 point font that is clear and easy to read. (If you are unsure, Times, Helvetica, and Arial are acceptable.)
At the top of your paper, list the 5 (or more) artist videos you viewed.
After each section (Process, Creativity, Materials, Surprise), write one to two sentences about the artist and what it is that they do or say that makes them fit into that category for you. You will receive all points for writing full sentences, listing all 5 videos you watched, and for completing the work by choosing categories that you choose for what artists you watched. See the rubric below for full details.
How to Submit
To submit this assignment, click the Submit Assignment button at the top-right of the page.
I will accept files created in MS Word or Google Docs saved as MS Word (.doc or .docx) or a PDF (.pdf).
Helpful Resource: Canvas Student Guide: How to Submit an AssignmentLinks to an external site.
Grading /Response from Instructor:  Grading and responding to written assignments will generally occur within one to 1.5 weeks.
Art21 Video Rubric
Art21 Video Rubric
Have made it clear to professor that I do not endorse or support the special pronouns stuff. if any videos include this subject matter or anything related must reflect that.
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWatched at least 5 Videos
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssigned Artists to Categories
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWrote at least 1-2 Sentences Per Artist
10 pts
Total Points: 20