Often, when the topic of nationalism is discussed, the focus is on hyper-nationa

Often, when the topic of nationalism is discussed, the focus is on hyper-nationalism or extremism. While nationalism can certainly result in extreme views, nationalism in its most basic sense is not necessarily problematic. Nationalism is grounded in a sense of loyalty to one’s nation or nation-state and identification with and attachment to other members of that nation and its culture. In this assignment, you will consider the role of national loyalties in a globalized society. 
Please read and view the following:
Nationalism Rising: When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism, Jonathan Haidt, The American Interest, volume 12, number 1, July 2016                                                                                     https://www.the-american-interest.com/2016/07/10/when-and-why-nationalism-beats-globalism/
The world’s most influential values, in one graphic, Dorothy Neufeld, World Economic Forum, 2020                                                                                                                                                        https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/values-graphic-care-behaviour-family-love-tradition-free-speech/
The Pros And Cons Of Globalization, Mike Collins, Forbes, 2015                                                      https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikecollins/2015/05/06/the-pros-and-cons-of-globalization/?sh=3453db18ccce
Globalization I – The Upside: Crash Course World History #41, CrashCourse, 2012 (11:51)         https://youtu.be/5SnR-e0S6Ic?si=-c_G4QhyvNzdBGch
The following video requires you to sign-in through Google.
Globalization II – Good or Bad?: Crash Course World History #42, CrashCourse, 2012 (13:54)https://youtu.be/s_iwrt7D5OA?si=CaEd60sfjzREdcET
Citing course materials or outside research, respond to the following:
Explain the difference between nationalism (state sovereignty) and globalism. Do you believe that these two perspectives can coexist in a harmonious society? Explain your reasoning and describe how these two concepts might work together.
Use the critical thinking model to discuss the pros and cons of both nationalism and globalism. Weigh the pros and cons of both concepts. 
After reviewing “The World’s Most Influential Values” article, do you feel the values listed for your region of the world properly reflect your society’s values and your perspective on these values?