Self-Evaluation Process Competency Tell me the story of your competency and prov

Self-Evaluation Process
Tell me the story of your competency and provide evidence from all weekly activities. Be specific about the weeks and activities involved.
Write a narrative that explains your journey in developing competency throughout the course, supported by evidence from weekly activities. (Evidence)
Describe specific examples from your work that demonstrate how you addressed the assignment prompts. (Evidence)
Did you use evidence to support your logic beyond 2 or three Canvas pages or media resources in all my assignments? (Evidence)
Tell me the story of your excellence and provide evidence from all weekly activities. Craft a narrative that illustrates your pursuit of excellence, supported by evidence from your assignments.
Did all my assignments meet the criteria? (Evidence)
When given a REDO opportunity, did I demonstrate improvement? (Evidence)
Did I acknowledge any feedback from a previous assignment and apply it to the next assignment throughout the session? (Evidence)
Did I respect our The 5R’s: Decolonizing Our Online Learning Space/Our Community Learning Agreements? (Evidence)
Tell me the story of your growth and provide evidence from all weekly activities. Write a narrative that reflects on your growth, supported by weekly evidence.
Did I grow intellectually and scholastically with effort? Provide specific examples showing your intellectual and scholastic growth. (Evidence)
Did my use of evidence increase from week to week when addressing the assignment prompt? Show how your use of evidence evolved over the course of the semester. (Evidence)
Did I apply the REDO Process or feedback to level up my performance in the consecutive week/assignment? Give examples of how you used the REDO process or feedback to improve your performance in the following assignment. (Evidence)
Did I allow myself to be challenged? Explain how you embraced challenges with specific examples. (Evidence)
Tell me the story of your risk-taking and provide evidence from all weekly activities. Write a narrative that illustrates your risk-taking journey, supported by evidence.
Did I take risks to enhance my academic performance? Provide examples of risks you took to improve your academic work. (Evidence)
Did I step out of my academic comfort-zone? Describe instances where you stepped out of your comfort zone. (Evidence)
Did I engage in multiple methods of addressing the assignment prompts? Show different methods you used to approach the assignment prompts. (Evidence)
Did I add to my work beyond the criteria? Provide examples of how outside research enhanced your assignments. (Evidence)
Proposed Earned Grade
Reflect on the What Do Final Grades Look Like page and justify the grade you believe you earned. Be precise and connect to your OVERALL evidence. Include a conclusive statement justifying the proposed earned grade.
Make sure to reflect on the What Do Final Grades Look Like page and justify the grade you believe you earned. Be precise and connect to your OVERALL evidence. Include a conclusive statement justifying the proposed earned grade.
Something to keep in mind…
While engaging in this self-evaluation, it’s important to maintain a focus on evidence rather than emotion. Here are some statements to avoid in order to create a focused, evidence-based self-evaluation:
“I feel like I’ve done a great job.” Instead, provide specific examples and evidence to demonstrate your achievements and contributions.
“I think I’m good at this.” Instead, present concrete evidence of your skills, such as positive feedback from professors or successful outcomes.
“I believe I’ve improved a lot.” Instead, provide specific examples of how you have grown and developed throughout the semester, supported by evidence such as increased grades or completed projects.
“I feel like I earned a A because I spent lots of hours doing my work.” Instead, focus on the submitted work and the presented evidence.
Remember, evidence-based self-evaluation is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. By concentrating on excellence, competency, growth, and risk-taking, and steering clear of emotion-driven statements, you can offer a thorough and objective assessment of your performance. Use this opportunity to gain meaningful insights into your progress and establish goals for your future growth.
*If there are any inconsistencies with the evidence and the performance, evidence from the overall performance will be presented by your instructor.
*Feedback will be provided in all student self-assessments. If a conference is requested by the instructor to negotiate a final grade, the instructor will inform the student. The student must respond to the conference request. Conference requests will be sent via the Assignment Feedback, Canvas Inbox AND Pronto.