please see the attached files for the instructions. Please remember that each pr

please see the attached files for the instructions.
Please remember that each problem described in the scenario needs to be addressed by a separate policy and a separate procedure. Consequently, if you have identified three problems in the scenario (and there are at least three different problems), there should be three separate policies and three separate procedures. Do not address all three problems in one policy or one procedure. If you do, I will not consider the project to be complete, and your grade will be negatively affected.
THIS IS ALSO REALLY IMPORTANT: for the policies, use the format found in the document “Policy Sample 2.” If you use any other format, your grade will be negatively affected. For the procedures, use the format found in the document “Procedure Sample.” If you use any other format, your grade will be negatively affected. For the procedures, remember to number each step and begin each step with a verb. To see a good example of numbering steps, take a look at chapter 7 in our text, figure 7.9, page 297 (fourth edition).
One final “really important”: I make the assumption that you read your work before you submit it. Consequently, I will not accept any statement such as “I accidentally submitted the wrong draft” or “Here is the correct version of the project.” What you place in the dropbox is what I will evaluate. There will be no exceptions. READ YOUR WORK BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT.
I expect the work you submit to be your own writing. As the syllabus states, any submitted work generated by AI will be considered plagiarism and thus academic misconduct. I do use plagiarism detection software.