Title: Enhancing Organizational Efficiency with Lean Systems: A Discussion of Key Principles and Strategies

Lean Systems
The main principles of a lean system include identifying value from the customer’s perspective, creating flow by ensuring a smooth and continuous process, and mapping out the value stream to eliminate waste. The operations manager is required to understand the basic principles of lean to operate in a lean environment. This means doing more with less as the organization becomes as “lean” as possible (no fat). 
To answer the discussion topics, you are required to conduct research using the course textbook, Library, and/or the Internet.
Please answer the following questions:
What are three elements of lean system that can enhance organizational efficiency?
What are the various kanban systems that can be found in an operations environment?
How can kaizen and JIT help improve efficiency in an operations environment?
Make sure you are supporting your answers fully with research, including citations and references.

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