A Comparison of Idealism and Universal Human Rights: Influences and Implications for Contemporary Philosophy

For the Assignment, you will select a theory or philosopher from Part A below and compare it to a contemporary theory or philosopher from Part B below. Write a three (3) to four (4) page research paper using at least 4 references.
Part A:
Early Modern & Modern Philosophy II – Idealism & Feminism 
Early Modern & Modern Philosophy III – Deontology, Utilitarianism & Transcendentalism
Modern Philosophy – Pessimism, Positivism & Socialism 
Part B:
Contemporary Philosophy – Universal Human Rights & Modal Realism 
-Provide a brief overview of the theory or philosopher you selected from Part A (i.e., historical background, influence of the theory at that time in history, etc.) 
-Provide a brief overview of the contemporary theory or philosopher from Part B.  
-Write about how the theory or philosopher from Part A contributed to the contemporary theory or philosopher. (Hint: what are the differences, similarities, etc.?) 
-Briefly discuss how the theory or philosopher shaped any philosophical thought in the 21st Provide examples. 
-In your conclusion, write about 2-3 sentences on how what you learned by writing this assignment may have influenced your philosophical views.
Writing Guidelines: 
Your essay must have a title page and reference page (these are not included in the overall 2-3 page count). 
Your essay must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. 
Your essay should be organized with an easy-to-read narrative voice. 
Please use bold substantive sub topic headings to guide the reader through your easy. 
Use in-text citation to avoid plagiarism. 
Proofread your essay for spelling and grammar errors.

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