Policy and Politics in Nursing Informatics Self-Assessment Paper: The purpose of Informatics Self-Assessment Paper is to perform a self needs assessment regarding informatics in nursing, identifying areas that need improvement.

  NSG 4452 Policy and Politics in Nursing Informatics Self-Assessment Paper Purpose The purpose of Informatics Self-Assessment Paper is to perform a self needs assessment regarding informatics in nursing, identifying…

Continue ReadingPolicy and Politics in Nursing Informatics Self-Assessment Paper: The purpose of Informatics Self-Assessment Paper is to perform a self needs assessment regarding informatics in nursing, identifying areas that need improvement.

Pick one event, theory, or person from one particular era or area and argue its importance in understanding the first few units of American History I. (You can do this by talking about any of the topics: the discovering of America, Native Americans and their early plight in having to deal with newcomers, early slavery, Medical Experimentation on Enslaved Women, Sojjourner Truth, as well as a good conclusion. Pick any of these topics

  Introduction TOPIC: Sojourner Truth Find sources on internet too This is the link for your writing assignment, and it will be run through a plagiarism check. [A SafeAssign assignment is a…

Continue ReadingPick one event, theory, or person from one particular era or area and argue its importance in understanding the first few units of American History I. (You can do this by talking about any of the topics: the discovering of America, Native Americans and their early plight in having to deal with newcomers, early slavery, Medical Experimentation on Enslaved Women, Sojjourner Truth, as well as a good conclusion. Pick any of these topics

discuss two separate events/pieces of media and relate them to at least two concepts from social psychology. You can use television episodes, current news events, historical events, movies, music, books, or something else.

  Final Proposal Instructions The proposal for this paper is a brief description of the paper that you will be writing as a final. It is to be 300-600 words…

Continue Readingdiscuss two separate events/pieces of media and relate them to at least two concepts from social psychology. You can use television episodes, current news events, historical events, movies, music, books, or something else.

complete two discussion forums during the course.  Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic.  The forums also require responses to the posts of at least two classmates. Each response should be 150-300 words.

Hello and welcome to Discussion Forum 1.  You complete two discussion forums during the course.  Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic.  The forums…

Continue Readingcomplete two discussion forums during the course.  Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic.  The forums also require responses to the posts of at least two classmates. Each response should be 150-300 words.

explain what you see as a key problem or problems with the role of the class action in modern civil litigation. In doing so, make sure you explain how class actions differ from ordinary civil litigation, and create additional challenges.

Nature of assignment: The Module 11 lecture and readings focused on the class action as a key device for mass litigation. As explained in the lecture and readings, several developments have…

Continue Readingexplain what you see as a key problem or problems with the role of the class action in modern civil litigation. In doing so, make sure you explain how class actions differ from ordinary civil litigation, and create additional challenges.

The Assignment: Choose one historical concept about the Dahomey women warriors addressed in Edna Bay’s “Women in Combat,” a review of Stanley B. Alpern’s text Amazons of Black Sparta: The Women Warriors of Dahomey. Then in a five-page critical analysis – using a Womanist, Afrofuturist framework – that discusse

The Assignment: Choose one historical concept about the Dahomey women warriors addressed in Edna Bay’s “Women in Combat,” a review of Stanley B. Alpern’s text Amazons of Black Sparta: The…

Continue ReadingThe Assignment: Choose one historical concept about the Dahomey women warriors addressed in Edna Bay’s “Women in Combat,” a review of Stanley B. Alpern’s text Amazons of Black Sparta: The Women Warriors of Dahomey. Then in a five-page critical analysis – using a Womanist, Afrofuturist framework – that discusse

Research Project Instructions: Sustainable Development: Research Paper: Each student should identify an area overburdened by pollution, applying EPA’s EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen), which combines environmental and socioeconomic information in the area. Then, she needs to write a paper between six and eight pages (including figures, tables, and references). See the required format below. EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic i

Research Project Instructions: Sustainable Development: Research Paper: Each student should identify an area overburdened by pollution, applying EPA’s EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen), which combines environmental and…

Continue ReadingResearch Project Instructions: Sustainable Development: Research Paper: Each student should identify an area overburdened by pollution, applying EPA’s EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen), which combines environmental and socioeconomic information in the area. Then, she needs to write a paper between six and eight pages (including figures, tables, and references). See the required format below. EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic i