I already started it I need you to finish it please. For this assignment, I want

I already started it I need you to finish it please.
For this assignment, I want you to analyze some of the ideas that we have talked about in this class (lecture, readings, textbook) in the context of the real world. Focusing on a real-world issue will remind us that the primary goal of cognitive psychology is to explain behavior outside the laboratory, not inside it. Therefore, one measure of the power of cognitive theories is to determine how well they operate outside of the laboratory. My main concern is that your papers be thoughtful and motivated by scientific issues raised in the class. I don’t care too much about what direction you choose to take, as long as the discussion is grounded in either things that we have talked about or things that you have read.
Your paper should be at least 1500 words – not including cover pages (which you do not need) or your reference section (which you do need)
You may NOT use generative AI (like ChatGPT) to write any pat of this paper. all work must be original.
Here are some potential ideas to get you started, but feel free to come up with your own ideas as well:
Examine a recent movie and discuss whether its depiction of various aspects of cognition match what you would expect based on laboratory research.
Devise an advertising campaign that would both make your product memorable and increase the chances that it was selected over competing brands.
Discuss whether research on decision making can be applied to everyday decisions like what movie to watch, car to buy, soft drink to drink, etc.
Examine a recent court case in light of research on eyewitness testimony. Were the procedures used by the police/prosecutors likely to produce accurate testimony from the witness? How might this have influenced the outcome of the trial?