select two articles from peer-reviewed journals that discuss programs with an ai

select two articles from peer-reviewed journals that discuss programs with an aim to improve or address health literacy.

Based on your research, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document, including answers to the following questions:

  • Who was the target population(s)?
  • How did the target population identify this population as needing the health literacy intervention?
  • How was the intervention carried out in each article?
  • What were the outcomes of the study on improving health outcomes?
  • Could the data from the study be used with other audiences? How do you know?
  • What were the limitations of the study?

Peer 1

Was it Easy to Determine The SOCO For The Articles You Read

Calculating the Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) for the two articles was a rather smooth process owing to the concise message presented in each article. The chief issue in the first article on Harmful algal blooms in Clear Lake, California, was the health risk posed by contaminants of cyanotoxins in private drinking water systems (Kunz, 2024). The SOCO urged the affected residents to get acquainted with the risk factors and follow the proper guidelines to avoid contaminated water and get safe supplies. Furthermore, the article emphasized the need for quick reaction systems and permanent solutions, which are more effective in monitoring and transitioning affected homes to safer water sources.

In the second article, where waterborne disease outbreaks tied to drinking water in the US were discussed. The main message was on the high incidence of the outbreaks, especially those caused by biofilm-forming pathogens like Legionella, and the resultant effect on public health (Kunz, 2024). SOCO stressed the need for strong surveillance, prevention, and response procedures, plus collaboration between public health experts and drinking water companions to address these issues effectively and avoid further outbreaks.

The clarity of the key messages in both articles assisted in establishing the vision of the key messages. Each article has its subject and provides an insight into the solutions. Thus, they could clarify the campaign’s communication objective. Moreover, the article selected information and representative data to ensure that the coming messages will be responsive and actionable concerning the target audience. In the end, it can be said that the precise message and supporting information made finding each article’s SOCO relatively simple.

What Could The Authors Have Done To More Easily Convey Their Message?

In the attempt to communicate their idea clearly, the authors of both articles could have probably used several tools meant to enhance the readability of the articles. First, they might have considered plain language and eliminated complex words or scientific expressions, especially regarding science or regulatory matters (Martínez Silvagnoli et al., 2022). The language simplification will increase the clarity of the information and make it accessible to more of the intended audience, not just public health and environmental science graduates. Besides, the authors should add visual aids such as graphs, charts, or infographics to highlight important points and show trends. Pictures might convey the information more understandably and instantaneously than text alone, increasing the message’s comprehensibility for many individuals.

Also, the addition of concise summaries or bullet points at the beginning or the end of the article might have assisted readers in getting the main points and recommendations more easily. These summaries will serve as quick references for busy executives and personal use of specific information (Graf-Vlachy, 2022). Also, involving actual and real exhibits or case studies can make the content more relevant and engaging, helping others understand both implications of the trouble.

Finally, the authors should have formatted their articles more reader-friendly, with clear headings, subheadings, and transitions between paragraphs. This outline would be the backbone of all the content and help those needing the information locate it more easily and quickly (Martínez Silvagnoli et al., 2022). Additionally, the articles could end with actionable recommendations or calls to action that would help the reader react in a certain way against the discussed problems. Adopting such strategies would have made the content more digestible and impactful for a widespread audience.

Peer 2

The first MMWR article was titled, “Vital Signs: Mammography Use and Association with Social Determinants of Health and Health-Related Social Needs Among Women — United States, 2022”. In this article I read, it discussed the decreased usage of mammograms to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms are key radiologic testing method that looks for changes in breast tissue that would be suspicious for breast cancer. Life style and social issues that affect one’s ability to use these resources include: the cost of care, feeling like they are social isolated, loss of work, lack of transportation and dissatisfaction with life. ( 2024). The key point I want to focus on with this article is the importance of getting mammograms and ways one can help themselves get the help they need and feel like they are getting the care needed.

By utilizing the SOCO worksheet, I could determine the point of the article easy as discussed previously. The article discussed the background of mammography and the social determinants that discuss the reasoning behind the decrease in using the mammograms in women. In the article, it broke down the population of the study by age and the region the women lived in. ( 2024). Having the study results within the article gave that validation to the purpose of the information trying to be given. Also, giving the implications for public health practice on mammography use validates the point of the article overall for the population.

The author of the article could have better condensed the title of the article to make it more attention seeking when coming across it on the website. It is quite a lengthy title which nay lose the reader’s attention when looking for a specific article on the CDC website. Another thing the authors could do to convey their message is to go into better detail of ways to better steer away from these social determinants. Overall, breast cancer and the technology of mammograms hold near to my heart so it made the article a great read for me personally.

The second article I chose on the CDC website is titled, “Cigarette Smoking Among Pregnant Women During the Perinatal Period: Prevalence and Health Care Provider Inquiries — Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, United States, 2021”. In this particular article, it is discussed the risk and complications associated with cigarette smoking before and during pregnancy. Compared to the first article I read, the SOCO for this one was a bit more reader friendly so the purpose of the article was easily identified. With the picture reference and the specific details on the topic, understanding the message was much easier. When conducting the research for the article, getting the maternal age, race, and ethnicity along with education was smart when having fair information for comparison. ( 2021).

In the second article, the authors could have clearly indicated which age group of women seemed to have higher complications at the end of the survey. The authors could have also benefited from mentioning if nicotine from vaping could have higher outcomes as cigarette smoking for perinatal period for women.