please see pictures for the questions and the format on how to do this assignmen

please see pictures for the questions and the format on how to do this assignment
. Below each question explain why you now realize how you got the answer incorrect. Every question on the exam has an explanation on how it should be answered on the final exam discussion board or one of my exam keys provided with most homework assignments.
Here is an example of how you need to format this homework
I got the question above wrong. I found the answer by looking at the linear regression exam key. Here is what I found.
“First, figure out what the IDVs are or is. Remember IDVs cause changes in the DV. A variable or variables that “predict” another variable would most likely be the IDV or IDVs. Something that is being predicted would be classified as the DV. Now we need to figure out the level of measurement for the IDV/s and DV. Whenever you see the word scale, your variable or variables are quantitative. Whenever you see on “on a scale from 1 to 10” the variable is quantitative. In this example, you have several quantitative IDVs predicting one quantitative DV. The linear regression is the only analysis we learned about that fits this description.”
The two IDVs found on the exam question are described as being measured on a 10 point scale. The professor stated that these variables were to be considered quantitative. Two quantitative variables predicting a quantitative variable means that this analysis should be a linear regression.
The second question I got wrong on the exam is below.
I found the correct answer for this question by reviewing the final exam discussion board post on Factorial ANOVA. I copied the below from the final exam discussion board.
“-A researcher is interested in knowing if type of diet plan and exercise level by group has an impact on weight loss percent. What type of analysis is should the researcher perform.
Twoway ANOVA. I know this because diet plan and exercise level are implied to have an impact on weight loss. The text in bold helps me determine that these are categorical variables.
–A researcher is interested in knowing if type of diet plan (fast, keto, or pesco) and exercise level (intense or low impact) has an impact on weight loss percent. What type of analysis is should the researcher perform?
3 * 2 ANOVA. I know this because the number of groups for each IDV is provided in the word problem!”
I was instructed to give the best answer. The example is almost identical to the exam question. I should have answered 2*3 ANOVA.
You should get the idea. Follow my example for each question you got wrong find the correct answer by looking at the exam discussion board or exam keys provided with the homework. Copy and paste the portion of the final exam discussion board or exam key that helped you find the answer.
There will be a link on Canvas to submit your extra credit. You will have to until December 16th to complete your extra credit and increase your final course grade!