Rough Draft: Nutritional Analysis and Dietary Recommendations for Improved Health

WEEK 6: Part D: Written Report, Rough Draft (10%) 
Step 1: Using the information from Cronometer and Table 1, answer the following questions in paragraph form.  There is no need to rewrite the questions. 
Please write in complete sentences and answer the questions in paragraph form.  Points will be deducted for poor grammar and spelling errors. 
Add your citations to your Reference page in APA format, 7thedition for student papers.  Make sure your in-text citations are also in APA format, 7th edition for student papers.
Save the Rough Draft of your Written Report as a “Microsoft Word” or pdf file and unload into Turnitin.
Question 1a. 
Is your caloric intake appropriate for you?  Discuss how your actual caloric intake compares to your recommended intake. How does your current caloric intake affect your body weight, your energy level, and your overall health.  What is your body mass index and how do you interpret this ratio for yourself?
Question 1b. 
Using the information from Table 1, identify the nutrients you consumed that were 300% of the DRI/RDA)?  To answer this, go to and find one study for each nutrient that discusses the consequences of a deficiency. You should have a minimum of two citations here.  Add all your citations to the end of your paper in APA format, 7th edition for student papers.
If your diet is adequate in every way and there is no room for improvement, then the two nutrients you will use to answer this question are vitamin D and Potassium. 
Question 2.  
Based on your responses to the previous questions, identify three dietary changes that you could make to improve your health.  (NOTE: exercise, which is beneficial to your health, is NOT a dietary change!).  Describe how you would accomplish these changes in terms of specific foods you would include or eliminate from your diet. Discuss why these changes may benefit your health or help prevent disease.  For example, a diet low in iron might cause anemia, which leads to weakness and fatigue.  Therefore, consuming foods high in iron such as lean red meat might be a good way to get more iron in your diet.  Vegetarians or people who eat meat occasionally can improve their iron status by eating non-meat iron foods with citrus juice to improve iron absorption. (Minimum 300 words for question 2).

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