I  have attached the requirements as a screenshot and I  have attached writing a

I  have attached the requirements as a screenshot and I  have attached writing assignment 2 as an attachment. Please follow all of the instructions and ask me questions when needed. 
Your second writing assignment invited you to explore an aspect of media bias, and produce an informative essay in which you investigated and explained that aspect to your audience. Now that you have plenty of information in place, let’s take this one step further. 
This research paper will ask you to expand upon your previous research done and consider further implications of media bias. We know it exists; we know how to recognize it and think critically about it. But how does it affect people? What are the real world consequences? 
You can use as much of your informative paper as you want/need to kickstart this one–resources, information, even whole paragraphs. Your ultimate goal is to produce an argumentative, thesis-based paper that not only explains and defines media bias, but makes a claim about its effects. 
Prompt Options: 
Remember, you may use parts of or expand upon your informative essay. However, your overall task is going to be a bit different. Here are your prompt options. Choose one of the following: 
While social media participates in enabling media bias through algorithms, echo chambers, and emotional headlines, it’s can also play a big role in combating it. What are some ways in which social might help dispel some of the myths perpetuated by mainstream media? Incorporate specific, real-world examples.
How might a certain type of media bias lead to real-world consequences for a specific group of people? (Ex: a racial group, an age group, a particular sex or gender, etc). Investigate how this group of people is affected by the way they are portrayed (or neglected) by one or more media outlets reflecting one of more types of media bias. 
“Big story” bias is when the rush to report on something that seems major results in leaving out large parts of that story’s context. How has the reporting of one particular story (for example, a war, a natural disaster, a major government decision, etc) had major implications or consequences for a group of people with which that story is connected? *Note: it’s possible that “big story” bias is combined with other types of bias!
According to some critics, reaching for objectivity in the attempt to completely eliminate bias comes with major limitations because journalists actually have the responsibility to take an ethical standpoint in their reporting. How might objectivity affect the quality or purpose of the reporting? Do you agree or disagree that certain types of bias are actually necessary for quality journalism? Why or why not?