A literary analysis is an essay that aims to examine and evaluate a particular a

A literary analysis is an essay that aims to examine and evaluate a particular aspect of a work of literature or the work in its entirety. It typically analyzes elements like character development, plot, literary devices, the sequence of events, and setting. Knowing how to write a literary analysis is knowing how to read and think critically. Critical thinking is important because the decisions that you make affect your quality of life, and if you want to ensure that you live your best, most successful and happy life, you’re going to want to make conscious choices. That can be done with critical thinking. The goal of a literary analysis is to discuss relevant elements within the text to figure out how the piece of literature works. DO NOT create a synopsis (summary) of the whole work!
In a well-organized essay, analyze how the author employs literary elements such as character development, plot structure, symbolism, and theme to convey a deeper meaning or message. Explore how these elements contribute to the overall impact of the novel and shape the reader’s understanding. Additionally, consider the historical and cultural context in which the novel was written and how it may influence the author’s choices. Support your analysis with specific examples from the text, and reflect on the relevance and significance of the novel’s themes in today’s world.
Essay must be typed on a Google Doc in APA format.
○ Double-spaced
○ 1” margins
○ Numbered pages
○ Times New Roman 12-pt
○ Must include a title page and reference page with sources
○ Reference Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) APA Formal Styling
Guide for assistance in formatting your paper 4-6 pages not including title or reference page
○ Text MUST reach the bottom of the page to be considered a full page
Submit to turnitin.com no later than May 9th by 11:59 PM. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty is the act of presenting information, ideas and/or concepts as one’s own when in reality they are the results of another person’s creativity and effort, or created through AI tools. Such acts include plagiarism, copying of class assignments and copying or other fraudulent behavior on examinations.
○ If a student is found to have committed an act of Academic Dishonesty: – parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will be notified of the incident and of what action the school may take for violating this policy. The student may complete an alternative essay, may receive a grade of “0”, and will meet with the Office of Academic Growth. This is all based on the book the great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.