Research question – How do family members adapt their roles and responsibilities

Research question – How do family members adapt their roles and responsibilities as aging affects their (physical, mental, and emotional) well-being? 
At least 3-5 sources (these should include at least two text sources – articles, books, reports; also, video sources such as TV or film interviews, reports, etc.)
Thesis & Organization: Your papers should be organized around
A clear, precise, and well-narrowed thesis, that reflects a lot of thinking (not the working thesis from the first round!)
Topic sentences that marshal the evidence and information, and effectively lead the reader through the paper
Audience: Your paper should be addressed not to me specifically, but to an external reader who doesn’t know what you know. Your explanation and organization should reflect your awareness that you are trying, above all, to communicate a point to a given audience. 
Development: The paper should support all of its points with relevant evidence and explanation, i.e.:
Paragraphs that include very few generalizations, and a lot of evidence
Detailed examples that illustrate ideas
Specific facts that support claims
Direct quotes from relevant authorities to support your points
Research: The paper should reflect a complete research process, i.e.:
a thesis that addresses a clear, researchable question 
appropriate sources, appropriately used to discuss, illustrate, give examples of, or prove your points
careful use of paraphrase and summary, avoiding plagiarism
sources appropriately and  clearly cited and listed in MLA format
no use of AI to shape your thoughts or write your prose
Sentence skills: Apply the sentence skills you’ve been practicing! Think about
Clear, well-focused sentences – no loose structures or word salad
Nuanced use of joining words and concessives
Use of modifiers (appositives, verbals) to include detail in sentences
Plentiful quotes, integrated effectively and without distracting from your paper
Correct use of MLA citation format inside the paper, and in the Works Cited
Minimum of three substantial sources (e.g., chapters or long-form studies), or at least 5 shorter pieces
Approx. 1200-1500 words (not including Works Cited)
Works Cited (at end of the paper)