1. The Focus of My Research Paper: Examining the Use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Anti-Anxiety Medications in the Treatment of Panic Disorder. 2. Demonstrating Critical Thinking Skills: Exploring Multiple Perspectives on the Treatment of Panic Disorder. “Combining CBT and Antianxiety Medications: A Powerful Treatment Approach for Anxiety Disorders”

In one sentence (and only one sentence): What is the focus of your research paper? (What issue
are you going to explore and discuss with the reader? Remember that you are not just
presenting a series of “facts”. The thesis or focus is usually 1-2 sentences that states the main
topic of your paper. It is either in the first or last sentences of your introductory paragraph.) You
want to demonstrate “cognitive complexity” by looking at an issue from different perspectives
rather than “arguing” for one position
2. How are you going to demonstrate your critical thinking skills? (Please review handout or grading
rubric on critical thinking before you answer this question.)
3. What do you know about your writing skills that may pose a challenge for you? What might you
do at this point to address those potential challenges?
4. List 3 of the credible sources (academic/peer reviewed references or .gov/.edu are the only
accepted sources) that you will be using for your research paper (and to develop this outline). Cite
your references in APA format. (Remember that 4 credible sources are the minimum that will be
required for your final paper. You are, of course, welcome to use more than four! See assignment
5. Provide a one-page outline of your paper. State the 3 or 4 main sections of the paper in the order
in which you will present them in your research paper. You should also have subsections. See
sample on the next page.
HINT: In order to do this well, you need to have done much of your research! You will need to think
about how you will organize your ideas. This outline should tell me how your paper will flow and what
you are going to be discussing in your paper.
If you have put sufficient thought and energy into developing your outline, it will make the actual
process of writing your paper so much easier! Your detailed outline will serve as a map or guideline to
your writing.
However, you will need to have done sufficient research to complete this process. If you find that your
outline is a bit vague or there are too many “holes” in your outline, it may indicate that you need to go
back to do further research about a particular aspect of your topic and/or give it further thought.
Your outline should help you plan out each step in the presentation of the information in your paper and
will provide a logical flow to that information, leading the reader to your conclusions/summary. I should
be able to get a good sense of the main ideas of your paper by reading the outline and have a sense of
your understanding and research.
If your outline is not sufficiently organized and detailed to do so, take the time to work on it further at
this point. It will save you time later!
Each section of the outline will roughly correspond to (at least) one paragraph and will indicate the
order in which you will address the different topics and subsections of your paper. (The title of each
subsection of the outline could give you the topic sentence of each paragraph!)
For example, an outline on The Use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Anti-anxiety medications in
the treatment of Panic Disorder might look like:
I. Introduction with clear statement of focus/thesis assessing the treatment of panic disorder with
CBT or anti-anxiety medications or a combination of CBT and anti-anxiety medication
II. Brief definition of terms and relevance
o Criteria defining panic disorder
o Prevalence and risks associated with panic disorder
o Brief overview of CBT
o Brief overview of the most effective anti-anxiety medications used in the treatment of
panic disorder
III. Strengths and limitations in treatment of panic disorder with CBT Including references to
specific client populations and cultural considerations
IV. Strengths and limitations in treatment of panic disorder with specified anti-anxiety medications
including references to client populations and cultural considerations
V. Strengths and limitations in treatment of panic disorder with combined use of CBT and antianxiety medications VI. Summary comments including critical thinking based upon informed
professional opinion based upon evidence presented in paper  

The post 1. The Focus of My Research Paper: Examining the Use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Anti-Anxiety Medications in the Treatment of Panic Disorder.
2. Demonstrating Critical Thinking Skills: Exploring Multiple Perspectives on the Treatment of Panic Disorder. “Combining CBT and Antianxiety Medications: A Powerful Treatment Approach for Anxiety Disorders” appeared first on get essay fast.