Children, Health Policy, And Culturally Competent Care


1. Imagine that you are a nurse lobbyist at the legislature in your state, with a specific focus on child and teen health. The children in this state encompass a broad range of social determinants of health. You are asked to recommend state-wide health policies to improve the health of this population, along with corresponding engagement strategies to reach nurses in the state.
• What would be the first pediatric policy that you would recommend? Please provide a rationale for your selection
• How can you effectively reach nurses to encourage their action to promote the policy?
• What are one or more reasons why many nurses do not engage in lobbying efforts?
2. Describe a pediatric patient and/or their family members that you have cared for who is deemed by healthcare professionals to be ‘difficult’.
• To what extent do you think that cultural factors, e.g. beliefs, values and customs common to a group, might have been implicated in this situation?
• What are one or more barriers to culturally competent care that are specific to the nurse relationship with pediatric patients?
• List at least one strategy that a nurse can employ to overcome barrier(s) to cultural competence with pediatric patients.

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