“From Defeat to Triumph: The Ottoman Empire’s Recovery and Conquest of Constantinople”

All discussion assignment participation should be informed by your critical synthesis of assigned reading, supplemental resources and additional research.
For your weekly “initial post,” you must address the assigned questions/topics with a thoughtfully-constructed response.
All initial posts should be cogently argued and supported by a minimum of two credible source citations from assigned or supplemental reading (ideally, with 50% or more citations from additional research via peer-reviewed journal articles or credible book chapters) and include citations.
For your participation posts, you must construct and post at least two “substantive” replies to your course-mates’ or instructor discussion conversations. Substantive replies must incorporate a minimum of one source/citation to support post observations and analysis (to include all footnote or end note source information); and must link the discussion(s) to the assigned lesson or course objectives.
If you meet or exceed these discussion participation expectations, you will earn full credit for weekly discussion participation. Your assessment scores will be documented each week in the course Gradebook; along with specific feedback describing shortfalls and reasons for any deductions.
By meeting all requirements for the discussions, please address the following questions: 
Why did Bayezit fail so badly against Tamerlane, and how were the Ottomans able to rebound? Was the succession process (or lack thereof) a help or a hindrance to the success of the Ottomans? How did Mehmet I and Murat II “save” the empire? 
Why did Mehmed II focus his energies on finishing the siege of Constantinople, and why was the Ottoman conquest of the city in 1453 so significant?
You may combine your response into one post, but are not required to do so.
URL http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=782126
Book Title Osman’s Dream
Author / Editor Finkel, Caroline
ISBN 9780465023974

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