The Evolution of the European Union: Perspectives from Origins to Present Day “The Knowledge Gap in EU Scholarship: Implications for Governance and Public Perception”

Answer the following question only using this book :Origins and Evolution of the European Union, 2nd edition. 
Please provide a page reference or a quote for each question from the book. DO NOT use footnotes. Each answer to the question should be about 100 words. 
(Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, with one line of blank space between responses), using 1-inch margins); include the assignment title/number; and number your responses precisely in accordance with the assignment. Your responses must be based on the assigned readings (i.e., the use of “outside” material is discouraged); composed in full-sentences; use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as appropriate (i.e., mature) style; contain bracketed in-text page-references—e.g., (25) or (34-35)—to the assigned readings
Watch the video clip for this module (“Churchill in Zurich 1946”) available on Canvas. Free writing … what are your impressions?
Peter Stirk references John Maynard Keynes’s take on the role of Germany for Europe’s economy. Why was/is Keynes’s position problematic/controversial?
According to David A. Messenger, what was the Berlin Blockade? How did it come about? What were its consequences?
Why was fascism in Spain under Franco allowed to continue for another three decades (until 1975) beyond WWII?
From the perspective of John R. Gillingham, what appears to have been the value of the Schuman Plan negotiations?
Jean Monnet and Konrad Adenauer are, at least by some, considered architects of European integration. How so/on what grounds?
Gillingham emphasizes that Europe still lacks its own “demos.” Why, and with what consequences?
According to Wendy Asbeek Brusse, what were Britain’s reservations concerning the customs union?
Craig Parsons argues that it was French insistence on a community Europe that forced Germany, the Benelux countries, and Italy to choose supranationality over cooperation with sovereignty-conscious Britain. Before this was achieved, what were the three competing models of Europe in post-WWII France? Be specific.
How did Guy Mollet manage to get the Rome treaties ratified?
According to Jeffrey Vanke, what may have been Charles de Gaulle’s “certain idea of Europe” between 1940 and 1969? Discuss.
What is the significance of the Elysée Treaty?
According to Richard T. Griffiths, what were the anticipated impacts of CAP (= common agricultural policy) on Britain?
In Ann-Christina L. Knudsen’s assessment, why/how was agriculture able to claim and uphold such a special position in the Federal Republic of Germany and, in fact, throughout Western Europe?
What was the Mansholt Plan, and what was its significance?
Piers Ludlow maintains that, according to the traditional narrative (which he then sets out to challenge), Jacques Delors is credited with a major European revival. How so/on what grounds?
According to Dorothee Heisenberg, there was a lack of public enthusiasm in Europe with regard to EMU (= economic and monetary union). Yet, once it was launched, the Euro was supported by two-thirds of the populace. How would you explain this?
What was the significance of the “two-speed” and “opt-out” EMU debate?
According to Jeffrey J. Anderson, why did the gradualist approach to German reunification fail?
According to Anna Michalski, what are the 1993 Copenhagen criteria? On what grounds have they been criticized?
Why does Turkish membership in the EU (= European Union) appear to be going nowhere?
Desmond Dinan references and quotes Winston Churchill’s 1946 Zurich speech. According to this speech, how was Churchill envisioning Britain’s role with regard to the potential United States of Europe? What are the implications?
According to Berthold Rittberger (citing Geoffrey Garrett and Andrew Moravcsik), what are the key advantages of a supranational court?
According to Desmond Dinan, what is Alan Milward’s thesis/argument in The European Rescue of the Nation State?
Discuss Desmond Dinan’s closing sentences: “As in other areas of EU scholarship, the gap between the specialists’ knowledge and the publics’ [sic] awareness nevertheless remains formidable. Whereas that is true of most academic endeavours, the consequences of the ‘knowledge gap’ for the EU, being such a highly contested form of governance, are particularly regrettable.”

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