“The Fundamentals of Linguistics: Understanding Language Levels, Development, and Acquisition in Greek and English”

1st assignment
More specifically, students will be required to submit a written assignment (3,000 words) about the basic concepts of linguistics, language levels, language
development and language acquisition and learning, showing understanding of examples from Greek and English
Below follows the suggested structure you should follow in order to complete an assignment:
 Introduction: describe briefly the content and the objectives of your assignment as well as the basic characteristics of language and linguistics) (up to 300
 Levels of linguistics analysis (approximately 1000 words)
– describe phonetics
 -describe segmental and suprasegmental phonology along with systemic and structural simplifying phonological processes.
 -describe morphology
– describe syntax
 – describe semantics
– describe pragmatics
 Language Development (approximately 600 words)
 describe the main milestones in the development of morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics
 Language Acquisition (approximately 1000 words)
 – analyze and compare at least two theories on first language acquisition
 Conclusions (up to 100 words)
Most importantly, in order for you to write the report, you should use your academic writing skills effectively and follow APA referencing style guidelines

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