The Impact of Educational Programs and Policies on Closing Achievement Gaps: A Summary of the Harlem Children’s Zone

1 PAGE SUMMARY REACTION PAPER: After watching the three video clips, type up your one page summary of one of the clips as it relates to the topic of: CH. 14 education. Submit your assignment to this dropbox.
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The Harlem Children’s Zone
Duration: 14:11
User: n/a – Added: 12/10/09
1) HARLEM CHILDREN’S ZONE-HCZ. Published on Dec 10, 2009 Geoffrey Canada’s ‘Harlem Children’s Zone’ has helped put historically low-achieving students in New York on academic par with their grammar-school peers. Over the years, the HCZ introduced several ground-breaking efforts: in 2000, The Baby College® parenting workshops; in 2001, the Harlem Gems® pre-school program; also in 2001, the HCZ Asthma Initiative, which teaches families to better manage the disease; in 2004, the Promise Academy, a high-quality public charter school; and in 2006, an obesity program to help children stay healthy. CNN’s Anderson Cooper reports. (EQ 1): Describe the Harlem Children’s Zone-(HCZ)? (EQ 2): Explain the pros & cons of HCZ? Overall, do the pros outweigh the cons of HCZ as a way to close the achievement gaps in New York City, and perhaps nationwide.
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Educators, parents debate the Common Core
Duration: 7:23
User: n/a – Added: 9/21/14
2) Educators, parents debate the Common Core. Published on Sep 21, 2014. [7:22]. Some states are re-thinking their approach to the Common Core, the academic standards for grades K-12 launched by state officials in 2009 and since promoted by the federal government. So what grade is the curriculum receiving from educators and parents? Correspondent Jan Crawford reports. (See your Quiz Questions 9, 10). (EQ): LIST A COUPLE OF THE PROS & CONS OF THE COMMON CORE? ARE YOU MOSTLY IN FAVOR, AGAINST, OR IN THE MIDDLE ON THE COMMON CORE?
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A real education: The plight of teachers
Duration: 8:14
User: n/a – Added: 9/16/19
3) A real education: The plight of teachers. [8:14]. CBS Sunday Morning. Published on Sep 16, 2019. Since 1996 inflation-adjusted pay for a public school teacher has actually fallen, and nationwide about one in five teachers has a second job during the school year to make ends meet. Fury over those flat and falling wages helped spark a movement over the past 18 months in which tens of thousands of teachers walked off the job, but thousands have also been forced by economic conditions to give up their profession. “CBS This Morning” co-host Tony Dokoupil talks with New York Times education reporter Dana Goldstein, and with Oklahoma teachers who have struggled with low pay – including one, Carri Hicks, who turned her frustration into a run for public office. (EQ): HOW WOULD YOU EVALUTE the plight of teachers? WHAT ARE SOME OF THE REASONS teaching is no longer a desired occupation? WHAT CAN BE DONE to recruit new teachers into the profession?

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