“The Power of Tradition and Rebellion in ‘Like Water for Chocolate’: A Critical Analysis”

Your paper must be 5 pages in length of body paragraphs from introduction to conclusion. Make sure that you include information that is relevant to your thesis. Just because information is true and/or correct does not mean it is relevant to your thesis.
You should have a title page, 5 pages of text, and a work cited page.
MLA Format is mandatory—A work cited page must be included. Any paper submitted without a work cited page is an automatic failure.
Your thesis should be a defensible claim (an argument) from the book “Like Water for Chocolate.” The body of your paper defends/supports/proves your claim or argument.
A minimum of four quotes are to be used. Two or more must come from “Like Water for Chocolate” and two or more must come from outside sources/research. 
Only reliable sources are to be used—The school databases are reliable sources. Blogs, and Wikipedia are not reliable sources. If you are unsure if something is a reliable source, ask. All unreliable sources will be penalized—if your research is based on unreliable sources, your argument is invalid.

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