Time Series Analysis on Call Center Data Title: Time Series Analysis on Call Center Data Introduction: The data provided is a history of the number of calls and the number of urgent calls received by a call center over the past several years. In this

Load up the data file that I have provided below into Excel.  It is a history of the number of calls and the number of urgent calls that a call center received over the course of the past several years.
Once you have the file loaded in Excel, conduct a time series analysis on the data – both the calls received and the urgent calls. That’s all the instructions I am going to give you (imagine I am a bad stakeholder).  
Think about these things:  What time series analysis can you conduct on this? Are there seasonal fluctuations?  Is there a trend for the data? Conduct an analysis of both columns and provide me with two different forecasts for the rest of the year. 
Consider your forecasts for July – December of 2018.  For both forecasts, be able to explain your methodology, your results, and your confidence in the results.

The post Time Series Analysis on Call Center Data

Title: Time Series Analysis on Call Center Data

The data provided is a history of the number of calls and the number of urgent calls received by a call center over the past several years. In this appeared first on get essay fast.