Title: Exploring the Purpose and Impact of Theatre through the Works of Playwright [Playwright’s Name] Theatre has been a powerful medium of artistic expression for centuries, and it continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world. At

Research the playwright. What does the playwright believe the purpose of theatre is? What is their personal background? Education? What are the names of the plays they have written? Where were they performed? How were they reviewed by critics? Who were they influenced by? Who did they influence?
Give me a  summary of one of their plays.
Include photos of productions of that play. Analyze the photos for symbolic meaning and tone of the play.
Paper needs to be three pages typed (this does not include the photos). Used Times New Roman font at 12 pt. 1 inch margins around the page. Due by the end of the term. Cite your sources using MLA format. 

The post Title: Exploring the Purpose and Impact of Theatre through the Works of Playwright [Playwright’s Name]

Theatre has been a powerful medium of artistic expression for centuries, and it continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world. At appeared first on get essay fast.