Title: The Dynamics of Friendship: Exploring the Different Types and Aspects of True Companionship

The essay is about friendship please read it. I will include a draft of my essay, please expand on it to make it at least 1,200 words and no more than 1,500 words and fix any mistakes. Here is some of the feed back I got from my professor from my first draft:
The paper has a lot of potential, but we need to decide on a main focus. Right now it discusses aspects of friendships, generally, but then it goes into classifying types of friends. It will need to decide on which to focus on. It could classify friendships and then discuss in each how they are different in the areas mentioned already. For example, communication may be different with close versus casual friendships. 
I will include more screenshots of feedback.
Works Cited page in MLA format.
Final essay length will be longer than 1,200 words and no more than 1,500 words.
I will also provide a screenshot of the rubric.

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